Not too long ago, several people working at pork plants were stricken with a mysterious neurological disorder. They developed inflammation of their spinal cord. Symptoms were weakness, fatigue, and numbness and tingling in the arms and legs. Tests show damage to the nerve roots where they emerge from the spinal cord.
Cases began among workers who were using compressed air to blow the brains out of the skulls of slaughtered pigs. Only people working in plants using this method have had the sickness. Authorities have ruled out an infectious agent that you might get from eating the meat. They think it's more likely to be triggered by an immune response to exposure of the nerve tissue to the workers. The foreign neurological tissue was aerosolized and inhaled. They didn't eat it or properly digest it. That could trigger an immune attack on their nervous systems from inhaled intact nervous-tissue proteins.
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Animal proteins are not meant to be inhaled or injected into humans. Please take this as a lesson next time you or a loved one is leaned on for a vaccination. It's no wonder that we are seeing immunological disasters in our youth and elderly populations from vaccines.