Volume11, Issue 34 | April 25, 2014
Colorado and Washington might
have a powerful cancer fighter
Since Colorado and Washington legalized marijuana, and even before then, people have asked me whether the drug has real medical uses. I do believe it does. And science is catching up. A recent study found that it can help certain cancers.

In fact, cannabis may have great value in sparing the lives of breast cancer victims. There's a compound called cannabidiol in cannabis (a.k.a. marijuana). The compound has a low toxicity profile.

In this study, researchers found that it alters gene expression in highly aggressive breast cancer cells. When they down regulated the gene, the cells became far less lethal. The researchers concluded that the compound is the first non-toxic chemical that can significantly decrease the invasive gene expression. It offers hope that there might be a non-toxic therapy for highly aggressive breast cancer.

First, if it works on breast cancer, cannabidiol is likely to work on other cancers as well.

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Second, I can't help but get a punch in at the establishment. I'd like to grow hemp in my backyard to make cloth and fiber. Its cousin, marijuana, is now found to have a potential breakthrough for cancer. What will be the upshot of this? We'll probably see increased expenditures of your tax dollars to exterminate this plant family that I consider a blessing of God. Perhaps someone will explain this madness to me sometime.

I expect we'll see cancer treatment centers in Colorado and Washington that use this compound. I'll keep an eye on this drug for any further developments in its ability to fight disease.


Molecular Cancer Therapeutics, 2007; 6(11).

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