On Wednesday, I showed you how a new technology might get rid of your prostate cancer - but not help you live longer. The goals in getting rid of any cancer are to help you live longer and better. Many treatments conventional medicine uses don't help you accomplish either of those goals. But you can get rid of your cancer and live better.
Dr. Dean Ornish and his UCSF (and Memorial Sloan-Kettering Center) colleagues studied 93 men with diagnosed prostate cancer. They were between the ages of 65 and 67. They divided the men into two groups. One was a control group. They received no instructions at all. The other received his program of a vegan diet combined with relaxation therapy and exercise. The diet was ultra-low fat (10%) with plenty of fruit and veggies. This is exactly the ideal fat content I've repeatedly written about in the Living Foods diet.
After one year, the control group saw their PSA tests rise, while the Ornish group saw a reduction in PSA. PSA is not definitive for cancer, but it is a convenient marker once you have a cancer diagnosis. Furthermore, six men in the control group decided to have their prostate glands removed or to receive radiation (because of tumor growth) compared to none in the intervention group. I prefer for you to avoid the knife whenever possible.
If you eat this kind of diet before getting cancer, you likely will never have to deal with any cancer. But if you do have cancer, this type of diet can often get rid of it.
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Ornish had his study published in a prestigious journal - the Journal of Urology. But do you think your urologist will jump at saving your prostate with diet and lifestyle changes over his knife?
Ornish has previously shown these interventions will reverse heart disease as well. With these interventions now shown to reverse prostate cancer, I further maintain that they will have a like effect on many if not most other cancers. We know that this diet prevents cancer. Now, we see it treats cancer as well. Why wait for cancer to develop? Please investigate the Living Foods Diet. You can find more information about it on the diet's guru, Doug Graham's website, www.foodnsport.com.
I do agree with Ornish - diet is extremely important, but alone, it's not enough. You should combine diet with appropriate lifestyle changes (exercise, relaxation, and detoxification) to have the maximum effect. While I stress more uncooked foods than does Ornish, his diet, which includes significant cooked grains and legumes, is a great place to start.