Simple treatment forces
cancer to retreat
A few years ago I brought you a report on the remarkable work of Dr. Sinomcini of Italy. He reported on the remission of cancer with an extremely simple substance - sodium bicarbonate. Yes, simple baking soda. Many ridiculed him. Well, I have more information for you on the subject.

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Researchers at Moffitt Cancer Center and Wayne State University investigated the acid environment of solid tumors. They wanted to see if pH levels play a role in how invasive they are.

The researchers monitored tumor invasion and pH in immune-compromised mice that hosted a variety of tumors. The researchers found that areas of tumor with the lowest pH (greatest acidity) had the highest invasiveness. And guess what? I’ll quote the researchers here: "Furthermore, when we neutralized the acidity with oral sodium bicarbonate, the invasion was halted." That’s right! Simply changing the pH turned an invasive cancer into a retreating cancer.

Now it gets better. The researchers proposed that tumor cells behave like any plant or animal in altering the local environment to promote its own survival. Cancers are literally invading species in our body. Tumor cells metabolize glucose at high rates, and inefficiently. This creates a LOT of acid. The tumor cells adapt to this. But the surrounding cells don’t. The tumor cells are altering their local environment to ensure their own survival!

The high-acid environment leads to a spiral effect of problems. More acid leads to leakier blood vessels in the area. That means less oxygen delivery feeding the abnormal anaerobic cancer metabolism, leading to more acidity! Normal cells die, and cancer can move in. The researchers openly stated that therapies with buffers (meaning cheap bicarbonate) and other mechanisms designed to increase pH will "likely provide a valuable alternative to traditional therapies focused entirely on killing tumor cells."

The medical establishment drove many people from this country for advocating a plant-based alkalinizing diet. William Donald Kelley, DDS and his protégé Nick Gonzales, MD of Manhattan (actively treating cancer patients) fully understood the pH connection to solid tumors.

Now, generations later, this research has revealed the science behind their results and has exonerated them. Since I reported on Dr. Simoncini, I know of at least one case of advanced cancer that CLEARED on oral bicarbonate. I also know of many that did not. Nevertheless, anyone with cancer, or anyone interested in preventing cancer, should pay careful attention to their diet. What I have written about in these pages - The Living Foods Diet - is the best mechanism to ensure natural alkalinity in your body.

If you are challenged with overt cancer, please see an integrative physician who might help you make the leap to an alkalinizing diet! They also can help you with sodium bicarbonate treatment.

REF: Cancer Research, January 3, 2013.

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