False negatives make mammography
and biopsy extremely dangerous
Here’s more gasoline on the flames of the breast cancer industry. ABC news recently aired a report on one Judy Valencia. She had mammography, which was suspicious of breast cancer. A second had to be done. Then she had a biopsy. The report from the local pathologists came back with the “C” word. She panicked, as several female family members had succumbed to the disease, she elected to have BOTH breasts removed.

When she tried getting records from the hospital, it balked. It took a lawyer to get them. Wonder why? The reports came back showing she never had cancer in the first place.

ABC News found Dr. Ira Bleiweiss, a surgical pathologist from Mt. Sinai Hospital specializing in breast cancer. He said that every day he sees biopsies that are tough to call and may result in over-diagnosis of breast cancer in the hands of a licensed pathologist who does not have a specialization in breast cancer.

This is alarming. Many women are getting disfiguring surgeries for nothing. This adds to my concerns about breast cancer management. Recent reports have shown that 20% of cancers spontaneously remit on mammograms alone. Now we see that even biopsy might not be the gold standard for diagnosis. It is variable.

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This throws into question all the tales of cures of breast cancer from the barbaric mammogram screening. Hmmm. I wonder if we have a huge problem with diagnosis. We all know women whose doctors claim that their mammogram and mastectomies, chemo and radiation of a decade ago made them cancer-free. Well, Judy Valencia is cancer-free as well. She never had it in the first place. Could the alleged “cures” from early diagnosis be simply errors in diagnosis? Could they be the 20% of cases that spontaneously resorb? We don’t know.

Now you know why I am not a fan of the cancer industry. I happen to believe that the overwhelming majority of people who allegedly were “cured” by the industry either did not have invasive cancer at all, or had cancers that were destined to spontaneously remit. The only thing I think the cancer industry has given us is a few more months of life in exchange for some really tough treatments.

If you want to avoid breast cancer, find a practitioner who uses thermography and follow all of the advice I give in my newsletter. Whatever you do, don’t let your oncologist cut you up just because he thinks you have cancer.

REF: http://abcnews.go.com/Health/diagnosed-breast-cancer-opinion-experts/story?id=18662235.

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