Will this nut stop Alzheimer's
all by itself?
Did you know that, as you age, you accumulate potential toxic proteins in your brain? And did you know that these toxic proteins can lead to memory problems and other brain problems? That's the bad news. The good news is a new study shows how you can easily improve your memory and cognition. In fact, it shows how you can reduce damage to the neurons in your brain that comes from oxidative stress and inflammation.

In this study, researchers fed 19-month-old rats a diet that was either 6% or 9% filled with walnuts. They found that this diet significantly reduced the toxic accumulation of polyubiquinated proteins (the bad stuff). It activated autophagy - cleaning up the debris - in key brain memory structures. And it cleared the polyubiquinated protein aggregation!

The researchers concluded that supplementing with walnuts activates the natural housekeeping mechanisms of the brain. And this was well beyond the already known antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits of the walnuts.

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This is another huge breakthrough for the whole food and for parent oils. I've repeatedly written about the power of plant oil from vegetables, nuts, and seeds in these alerts and in my newsletter. This is exciting. Walnuts are a valued food for vascular disease, and now found to slow the toxic sludge built up in our neurons with age.

Even though this was an animal study, I do think it has high relevance for us. If you can't get walnuts in your diet, consider Advanced EFA Formula, which contains unadulterated parent essential oils. I continue to get thanks from Second Opinion readers for being on the forefront of diet and natural remedies. Readers taking these suggestions over the years should be pleased that they may have helped reduce the very stuff that leads to cognitive decline and perhaps worse - Alzheimer's.

REF: http://www.jnutbio.com/article/S0955-2863%2812%2900164-7/abstract.

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