How this drug can turn breast
cancer into heart disease
If you get breast cancer, you need to know that one of the treatments your doctor will likely recommend can cause heart disease in several years. That's the result of a new study out of Scandinavia.

In this study, the researchers followed 2,168 breast cancer patients. All of them had doctor-diagnosed and confirmed cancer between 1958 and 2001. And all of them received radiation treatment. The researchers compared the amount of radiation exposure using a scale called "gray units." It relates to the amount of radiation your body absorbs. They used hospital records to determine how much of that radiation actually hit the heart.

Patients in the study got from 1-25 gray units of exposure, with an average of 5. The risk of dying from a heart attack increased about 7% for each unit of exposure. There was no "safe" level.

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I would not expect there to be a safe level of radiation designed by man to destroy cells. Should you forego radiation? Please ask your oncologist first for hard statistics of the value of radiation for your particular situation. I don't like radiation. It is my personal belief that most every woman who survived conventional medicine had a cancer that was not fatal. We now know that some 20% of all breast cancers spontaneously disappear. Why credit radiation?

If you do take radiation, you'll want to take nutrients afterward to strengthen your heart. I recommend starting with Ubiquinol CoQ10 and Delta Tocotrienols.

REF: NEJM 1-14-13.

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