Canadian medical system "discovers"
powerful back pain remedy
There's really exciting news in the mainstream medical world about a treatment for herniated discs. Unfortunately, you're probably not going to hear about it because it's not coming to Americans. But it is now available in neighboring Canada.

Vancouver General Hospital will be the first in North America to use injections of oxygen/ozone for lumbar disc pain, a condition that affects at least 5% of adults. The clinical trial is recruiting 25 participants to test the safety of a new Canadian-engineered gas-injection delivery system.

The Canadian treatment takes about 20 minutes as an outpatient.

Dr. Peter Munk is the Vancouver radiologist leading the study. He's head of the musculoskeletal division at the University of B.C. and VGH. Munk said a 2010 meta-analysis looked at results from about a dozen studies involving 8,000 European patients. There was a strong suggestion that patients got better more rapidly with the treatment.

Dr. Munk is leading the Vancouver study, but says he has no financial interest in it. He stated that the team is hoping to see confirmation that healing occurs more rapidly with the gas. The team also hopes it will obviate the need for other interventions, such as steroid injections and surgery. As I've told you in the past, surgery has a 50% "make you worse" rate.

A company called Active-O Inc, maker of the new handheld device, is sponsoring the trial. The trial will administer the oxygen/ozone under imaging techniques.

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Well, I can say "Hallelujah!" A conventional hospital doing ozone for anything is a milestone. American radiologists will likely foment over this, since our government does everything in its power to maintain the status quo.

Fortunately, you don't have to travel to Canada. In fact, you've probably known that this treatment, called Prolozone (coined by my friend Dr. Frank Shallenberger), has been available in the U.S. for many years. I have gotten phenomenal results with gas injections around the lumbar spine without imaging. And I'm not alone. People around the world are finding out how well this treatment works.

Why does it work so well? The gas travels quickly around tissue planes and bathes inflamed areas with healing oxygen and ozone. My results improving low back pain are at least 80%.

 Skip the pain and the surgeon's knife with a treatment taking no longer than 10 minutes in any well-trained doctor's office.


REF: Vancouver Sun, May 6, 2013

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