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Eating a high-fat diet? Add these fats to lower your risk of heart attack
In today's world, it's very hard to eat a low-fat diet. I've written before about how a high-fat diet is one of the leading causes of diabetes and heart disease. Fortunately, not all fats are bad for you. And some fats might even counter the damage the harmful fats cause. In fact, one new study says these good fats can change your risk for having a heart attack.

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The researchers in this study wanted to find out if a novel but simple combination of fats - flax oil and alpha lipoic acid - could protect rats eating a high-fat diet.

The researchers fed four groups of rats one of the following in a 20% fat diet:

* All fat from lard
* 75% lard and 25% flax oil plus ALA
* 50% lard and 50% flax oil plus ALA
* flax oil plus ALA

They dissolved the ALA in flax oil to a final concentration of 8 mg/kg. After 10 weeks, the researchers studied the animals for biochemical changes.

The findings were impressive. Those animals supplemented with flax oil and ALA had significant increases in the crucial enzymes SOD, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase, as well as increased glutathione itself. They had far better antioxidant defenses. Additionally, those getting the combination had lower plasma levels of triglycerides, total cholesterol, and low density (bad) cholesterol, with improved HDL/cholesterol ratios. Two additional major markers of inflammation also improved: CRP and plasma interleukin-6.

Here you see significant reduction in inflammation with parent oils (flax) and an important nutrient (ALA). The latter is simply a wonder. It improves glutathione metabolism, enhances excretion of heavy metals, and plays a key role in your mitochondrial energy production. Flax oil is rich in the omega-3 fatty acid LA.

You'll get ALA with a good diet containing northern nuts and seeds, such as walnuts and flax or hemp seeds/oil. ALA is a terrific supplement. Advanced Bionutritionals carries a combination product designed for your mitochondria called Ubiquinol. It is one supplement I definitely like for most people. If you're lacking dietary LA sources, please consider Advanced EFA Formula, my choice for parent essential oils. Again, I don't think that you need potentially dangerous marine oils to attain optimum health. This is simply more proof!

REF: Xu J, et al. Lipids Health Dis. 2012;1:148.

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