May 17, 2013
The therapy that makes glaucoma
eye drops work even better
On Wednesday, I showed you how acupuncture can help relieve the pain and other symptoms of migraine headaches. While that was great news, what I’m about to tell you about acupuncture is shocking. If you suffer from glaucoma, acupuncture might help improve your eyesight.

A small study on 11 patients with open-angle glaucoma looked at whether acupuncture could help the disease or not. Each of the participants used topical eye drops prior to entering the study. In the study, the researchers gave them acupuncture at points BL2, M-HN9, St-36, Sp-6, KI-3, LR-3, GB-2-, BL-18 and BL-23 on each side. The results were amazing!

Each of the participants had significant improvements in retrobulbar (behind the eye) circulation and intraocular pressure.

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This is exciting. Here, a non-toxic, relatively non-invasive therapy that improves circulation behind the eye where your optic nerve is. And, it lowers pressure. This translates to improved oxygen delivery for this vulnerable nerve.

Glaucoma exerts its blinding effects via circulatory damage to that nerve. Drops do lower pressure. But my eye mentor, Dr. Ed Kondrot tells me that even with forced lower intraocular pressure, many patients go on to lose vision. That means it’s vital you do everything you can to reverse the disease.

If you have glaucoma, consider seeing an acupuncturist regardless of what your doctor tells you about the effects of drops on your eye pressure. Acupuncture could work miracles for your eyes.

REF: Short-term effects of acupuncture on open-angle glaucoma in retrobulbar circulation: additional therapy to standard medication," Takayama S, Seki T, et al, Evid Based Complement Alternat Med, 2011 March 7; [Epub ahead of print].

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