April 26, 2013
Change in California cancer law
needs your attention today
A few weeks ago, I told you about a bill just introduced into the California Assembly (AB1278), which would decriminalize the non-toxic treatment of cancer in the state. Then Assemblyman Ben Hueso introduced the bill. However, since then, Hueso won an election to the state senate.

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Since he's no longer in the Assembly, he cannot sponsor the bill there. So he has taken it to the state senate, where we expect an even more favorable reception. He has introduced it there as SB 177. Please visit a fact sheet on the bill posted on California Citizens for Health Freedom at: http://www.citizenshealth

If you have already sent a message regarding AB1278, you have my thanks. However, with the change in circumstances, we now need to promote support for it in the senate.

If you live in California, please take a moment to write or call your state senator in support for SB 177. Please explain that due to archaic laws in this state, that a 13-year-old girl has more rights to get an abortion without even her mother's knowledge, than her mother has to choose her own treatment for breast cancer. Something is not right with this picture.

No one should be forced by government to have access only to chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery. And especially not when information on nutritional, immunological, and energy treatment of disease is exploding.

If you don't live in California, and would like to help, please contact anyone you know in the state about the issue. And also, for everyone out there, please consider a donation to the cause.

Support letters for the bill should be sent to Senator Ben Hueso. His address is: State Capitol 2054, Sacramento, CA 95814. If you are a business or professional, send the letter on your letterhead. Organizations that are willing to add their support of the bill should send a request to California Citizens for Health Freedom for a form. If you want to make a donation to help pay costs related to passage of this bill, please send a check to Cancer Control Society and mark it for Cancer Bill. Their website is www.CancerControlSociety.com. You may list this contribution as a tax deduction contribution as CCS is a non-profit 501c(3) organization.

Thank you so much for your time and consideration. This bill has national importance, as California is a bellwether state for the nation.

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