March 15, 2013
Easily drop your blood pressure
by 14 points and LDL
cholesterol by 27%
If you have high blood pressure, bringing it down could be as simple as adding the right oils to your food.

Researchers from Japan studied 300 men and women in New Delhi. The participants averaged 57 years old and all of them had moderately high blood pressure. The researchers divided them into three different groups.

They treated the high blood pressure of the first group with the calcium-channel blocking drug nifedipine. They gave the second group one ounce of a blend of rice bran oil and sesame oil and told them to use it each day in their meals. The third group received both the oil blend and the drug.

The systolic pressure of those using just the oil blend dropped an average of 14 points. Those taking the drug had a 16 point drop. But those using both saw an average drop of 36 points. You read that right! The diastolic drop in blood pressure was just as impressive. The respective groups saw drops of 11, 12, and 24 points.

But there's more. Those using the oils saw a 26% drop in their LDL cholesterol and a 9.5% increase in their HDL cholesterol. The drug alone did not alter their cholesterol. But those using both the drug and oil blend did have a 27% drop in LDL and 10.9% increase in HDL.

This study did not evaluate side effects of the drugs, which can be severe. So, even though the combination had the highest point drop, you'd be far better off just changing the type of oil you use when you fix your food. Plus, you get the benefit of healthier cholesterol levels, which you won't get from the drugs.

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These oils contain healthy fatty acids and antioxidants, such as sesamin, sesamol, sesamolin, and oryzanol. These may be responsible for the results. These antioxidants and unsaturated oils are compounds found in plants and have been linked with lower blood pressure and total cholesterol in earlier studies.

The report did not disclose the exact combination of oils, or how they prepared the blend. We've seen that whole nuts and seeds have similar effects, most likely due to their natural essential oils.

I've seen these same results in my own blood pressure. I've told you in the past that my blood pressure stays around 90/60. And I use a very small amount of organic toasted sesame oil in my homemade salad dressing almost every day, mainly for taste. I don't use rice bran oil, but get abundant natural plant-made fatty acids out of the wide variety of plant foods I eat. And I have the energy to trek hundreds of miles!

If you want to drop your blood pressure, add a little sesame oil and rice bran oil to your foods. You can find my salad dressing recipe on my website (


UPI, 9-22-12.

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