February 15, 2013
Powerful prostate protector also
prevents strokes in men
I've told you in the past that lycopene is a powerful prostate protector. The nutrient that produces the red pigment in tomatoes can keep a man's prostate free from cancer. But now there's evidence that this same nutrient also can keep men free from stroke as well.

In a new study, men with the highest levels of lycopene have one-half the risk of stroke as men with the lowest levels. That's a huge protective effect. Just imagine if a drug could do this. You'd hear it shouted across the world, despite the side effects the drug would cause. At least in this case, there is no toxicity!

Lycopene reduces inflammation, blood clotting, and cholesterol production. And we know for sure that inflammation and blood clotting raise your stroke risk. Lycopene's beneficial effect on cholesterol metabolism is most likely due to a reduction in oxidative damage to the cholesterol.

As you may know, I eat most of my fruits and veggies raw. But here's one case where heat and processing may release a nutrient. You'll also find it in watermelon, pink grapefruit, pink guava, and papaya. Any fruit or veggie with a red pigment likely has lycopene.

If you are not eating an abundance of these foods, I strongly recommend the supplement Lyc-O-Mato, which you can find online and at health food stores. Another alternative is Advanced Greens Formula, which has concentrates of vibrant plants, including organic tomato, which will provide across the board protection for you.

Continued Below...

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Neurology, October 9, 2013.

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