This study says it helps 1.5% of the people avoid the flu. Is that worth all the hype?
This was a meta-analysis, meaning the information is not new. The researchers just compiled published data! And if you look closely, I know you’ll find some really bad toxic long-term effects from it. The authors close by saying the obvious: “Evidence for protection in adults aged 65 years or older is lacking.”
Well, hello! This shows you how idiotic the entire flu vaccine hysteria is. And it’s all thanks to your government “authorities” and agencies, including the CDC. The flu vaccine is a fraud! Please don’t fall for this scam. We oxidation therapists can usually knock out a flu virus in one or two sessions. And you can take
Insulin’s Evil Twin
This overlooked hormone might be the real reason you still struggle with out-of-control blood sugar. But most doctors (even alternative doctors) ignore it completely.
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