October 31, 2012
Are your cosmetics
giving you diabetes?
When you think of “side effects,” you probably think of drugs. I know I do. But it’s time to expand our understanding of what produces side effects. That’s because a new study says your cosmetics might cause some awful “side effects” as well.

In the past, I’ve told you how the bright red color of lipsticks might deliver some heavy lead levels through your skin. Now we discover that a chemical commonly found in cosmetics – phthalates – may induce diabetes in the women who use products containing this chemical.

This study found that women with higher urine levels of specifically measured phthalates were more likely to have diabetes than women at the lowest levels.

This is not a definitive study, but it is worrisome. We know that manmade chemicals can act as hormone disruptors, especially for sex hormones, in both sexes. This is the first study to expand the class of chemicals to possibly be a disruptor for a totally different type of hormone – insulin.

The government has taken notice of the damage phthalates cause in the human body. They’ve even taken some measures to regulate use of phthalates. And in 2008, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act banned the use of some phthalates in children’s toys and personal care products. But they haven’t done enough. The Europeans have banned them altogether. We need to follow suit.

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If you are a woman and want to get away from chemical-laden products, I suggest that you look into a line of products called Système 41. It’s all natural and quite good for your skin.

Yours for better health and medical freedom,

PS. Several weeks ago, I told you about an amazing new book that has powerful cures for your eyes. If you suffer from any eye disease - or want to avoid them - make sure you pick up a copy of Ten Essentials to Save Your Sight by my friend Dr. Ed Kondrot. This book details the key steps to preserving and protecting your precious eye tissues. Even if you have advanced eye disease, Dr. Kondrot details some wonderful healing strategies for you to consider. You can get his book by visiting http://www.healingtheeye.com/book.html or calling 800-430-9328.

Ref: Environmental Health July 13, 2012

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