October 26, 2012
How your bed can lower your risk for aggressive cancer
Because you’re a reader of Second Opinion, you’re one of the few people in the world who knows the deep dark secrets of cancer. For instance, I’ve told you that everybody has cancer. I’ve also told you that the vast majority of these cancers never harm anyone. And I’ve told you that many of them that actually grow beyond a single cell are largely slow-growing cancers that won’t kill you.

The #1 cancer you need to prevent is the aggressive type of cancer. This is the tumor that grows quickly and can kill you in a matter of months – or even weeks.

Well, new research says your bed may hold the secret to keeping aggressive cancers at bay. That’s right, your bed! Here’s how it works:

If you habitually don’t get enough sleep, you might be increasing your risk for aggressive cancer. This is especially true for women.

Researchers have found that women who get less than six hours of sleep per night are far more likely to develop aggressive breast cancers. Lack of sleep seems to alter certain gene function, which allows for the development of abnormal cells. The researchers said they did not find the same risk in premenopausal women, suggesting different mechanisms for cancer at work between the two age groups.

Sleep is the time when your body heals itself from a long day of activity that breaks your body down. The constant breaking down and rebuilding is good for your body. It’s part of the reason exercise is so good for you. It helps your body break down abnormal cells during the day. Then rest helps the healthy cells rebuild. But if your body doesn’t heal at night, the breaking down can allow aggressive cancers to develop.

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So any steps you can take to alter your lifestyle and get natural sleep is a great first step in improving your immune system. Spending at least six hours (seven or eight is better) in your bed and getting deep, natural sleep is vital for prolonging a healthy life! And it’s crucial for stopping aggressive cancers in their tracks.

If you’re having trouble sleeping, don’t take sleeping pills. These don’t help your body rest and heal naturally. In fact, they may break it down further. Instead, make lifestyle changes and take nutrients that can help you sleep naturally. You can read all about some of the great ways to sleep naturally by following this link.

Yours for better health and medical freedom,

Ref: ScienceDaily. August 28, 2012

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