You have probably heard that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. But I’ve got even better news for you. An apple a day may keep the pounds away as well.
That’s right! If you struggle with weight, a compound found in the apple’s peel might just be your rescuer.
Ursolic acid is a complex molecule now generating considerable interest in scientific circles. Studies have shown how it increases muscle mass and strength in healthy mice. In a very recent report, researchers gave ursolic acid to mice fed a high-fat diet. Then they examined its effects on a mouse model of metabolic syndrome. It increased skeletal muscle! That is important since skeletal muscle burns calories. This effect alone can explain the beneficial properties of the nutrient.
However, the research team also found that ursolic acid increases brown fat, which is a fantastic calorie burner. This would also protect against obesity. Brown fat is found mostly in children. Until recently, scientists thought that brown fat disappeared as you grew into adulthood. We now know that adults still retain small deposits of brown fat, mostly between your neck and shoulder blades. Studies have linked more brown fat with less obesity and better glucose levels.
In this study, researchers gave mice a high-fat diet over several weeks. They also gave half the animals ursolic acid. Those getting the ursolic acid actually ate more food than the non-ursolic acid group. And, there was no difference in physical activity between the two groups. Despite this, the ursolic acid group gained less weight and had better glucose levels. They also did not develop obesity-related fatty liver disease. The latter is a very common (one-in-five Americans) and untreatable condition by conventional methods.
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So let’s strike up another one for plant compounds and especially apples. We don’t know for sure if this will translate to humans, but researchers would love to find ways to increase calorie-burning brown fat.
Fortunately, there are plenty of other reasons to eat this compound. It inhibits certain cancer metabolic pathways, inhibits a key cancer invasion enzyme called MMP-9 (matrix metalloproteinase-9), and may induce apoptosis (normal cell death) in cancer cells.
So, even with some unanswered questions, don’t wait 10 years on news like this. You know I think apples are a terrific food. I even grow them. You don’t have to grow them, or even eat them if they’re not available.
AppleBoost is a product made from the rich apple peel. It’s a product I strongly recommend.
Also, you can find ursolic acid in many medicinal plants and herbs including basil, bilberries, cranberries, elder flower, peppermint, rosemary, lavender, oregano, thyme, hawthorn, and prunes. I’ve repeatedly written that berries are superfoods. Well, not only are they packed with phenomenal amounts of bioflavonoids, but they also have this magical compound as well. So eat as many of these foods as you can. Your health and your waist line will thank you!
Yours for better health and medical freedom,