April 13, 2012

Simple mineral stops dementia
and other brain challenges

Do you or a loved one suffer from dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, or any other cognitive challenge? If so, you might be able to slow or stop the decline with a simple mineral.

A National Institutes of Health study followed 1,024 participants 65 and older. The researchers looked at the relationship between selenium levels in the blood and cognitive testing. They discovered that if you have higher selenium in your blood, you’ll have lower risk for cognitive decline.

This is a rather exciting addition to the wonders of this mineral. Selenium is essential for normal thyroid function. It participates in glutathione metabolism. Certain forms, particularly sodium selenite, have astounding anti-cancer properties. And selenium irreversibly binds to and inactivates mercury, which could be one reason it helps with cognitive function.

Please be sure that you are getting 200 mcg of selenium daily. My preferred form of selenium is sodium selenite for the above reasons. It’s readily available online and in many health food stores. And it’s the amount in Healthy Resolve.

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Even if your combination of supplements nets you 400 mcg daily, I’ve not seen any problems at that level in 24 years of using selenium.

Ref: Mov Disord, 2010; 25(12): 1909-15.

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