September 7, 2012
Don't let your genetics give you
diabetes and heart disease
Did you know the diet your mom ate while she was pregnant can affect your health? A new study found that moms that eat a poor diet while pregnant can significantly increase your risk of heart problems and diabetes. Fortunately, you’re not destined to suffer because of your genetics.

This Cornell University study found that you can change your future risk of diabetes and hypertension. The discovery came when they were able to alter the amount of a particular nutrient mothers eat while pregnant. It had a dramatic impact on the health of their children.

Pregnant women who consumed 930 mg of choline (the RDA is only 450 mg) had babies with 33% lower cortisol levels (stress hormone) compared to a control group of women consuming an average of 480 mg. The head of the study expressed excitement that if you can dampen your cortisol response to stress, your risk of future diabetes and hypertension will be less.

Choline is a critical nutrient. It is a key molecule in your brain (a neurotransmitter) and it’s crucial in your cell membranes. It’s very difficult for your body to make. So it’s vital you get plenty of it in your diet. Dietary sources include: egg yolks, beef, pork, chicken, milk, legumes (particularly soy), and some vegetables. Most prenatal vitamin supplements do not include choline.

This is important information for you. There’s probably no way to know how well your mom ate when you were in her womb. Whatever she ate is already programmed in your genes. What matters now is how you can overcome any negatives in your genetics.

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While you can’t overcome the hard-wiring of your genetics, these genetics factors are different. We call them epigenetics, which refers to the soft influences that switch your genes on and off. And, yes, choline allows you to switch off these negative influences on your health.

I encourage you to eat plenty of choline-rich foods. But don’t stop there. Consider taking PhosChol, which provides the ultimate in essential phospholipids, including phosphatidylcholine. If you’re genetically at risk for heart disease or diabetes, it could help you overcome this risk.

Yours for better health and medical freedom,

Ref: 05-11-12.

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