August 3, 2012
What to take with selenium to
fight prostate cancer
As I said on Wednesday, I’ve been treating my patients with selenium for 25 years. It’s a fabulous cancer preventive and detox mineral. But I’ve just discovered a way to make selenium fight cancer even better.

A small study recently found followed 37 patients who had prostate cancer. All of them also had a  radical prostatectomy (something I NEVER recommend). The researchers divided the participants into two groups. One group took a placebo. The other group took a combination of selenium (200 mcg) and milk thistle (570 mg) versus placebo. The main markers for success the researchers evaluated were lipid-panel-associated changes due to cancer, and quality of life.

The participants started taking the supplements two to three months after surgery. And they continued to take them for six months. The nutrient combination improved the quality of life score and decreased LDL and total cholesterol. Selenium levels in their blood also increased. There were no changes in total testosterone or blood antioxidant status.

The authors were pleased that the nutrient combination reduced two markers of lipid metabolism that we know affect prostate cancer progression in post-surgery men. These are LDL and total cholesterol. They felt the combination might be effective in reducing the cancer’s progression.

I’ve long, long suggested selenium as both a prostate cancer preventer and for treatment as well. The researchers looked at silymarin (milk thistle) for its suppression of prostate cancer in lab animals. Silymarin has a long history of use in liver protection and liver disease. While this study used selenomethionine, I prefer sodium selenite. The former is in vogue right now. But my research suggests that the inorganic form (selenite) is superior to get the maximum effects of selenium supplementation.

If you’re taking Healthy Resolve and Advanced Detox Formula, you’re getting ample selenium. And you can get 50 mg of silymarin in Advanced Greens Formula. If you have prostate cancer or are at risk for it, you may want to take a silymarin stand-alone supplement as well. Take up to 600 mg daily.

Yours for better health and medical freedom,

Ref: Biomed Pap Med Fac Univ Palacky Olomouc Czech Repub. 2010 Sep;154(3):239-44.

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