On November 6, 2012, voters in California will have a historic opportunity to do for themselves what the government will not do for them. It will be a huge fight to the finish, as some of the biggest companies in the world (and their considerable resources), particularly Monsanto, will do all they can to stop us. On that date, California citizens can mandate that their food is honestly labeled as to whether it contains GMO Frankenfood or not.
Industry contends such food is safe, just like it portrayed cigarettes, Agent Orange, and even DDT years before we knew for sure these were dangerous. Well, if it’s safe, then why deny us any knowledge of GMO ingredients?
Some of these companies produce so-called “natural” foods. But “natural” doesn’t mean GMO free. In fact, these companies knowingly and actively sell you products contaminated with GMO.
If this proposition in California passes, their products will have to be labeled. They are in great fear their wares will take a huge hit when people read that there’s GMO in the products.
Why is this important to your health? The GMO alterations in our crops can alter the DNA in your gut bacteria. It is more than “possible” that genes can transfer from the pesticide-producing GMO corn to your flora so that you’ll become a pesticide factory. Most of the soy you’re eating is literally drowning in toxic Roundup.
Continued Below...
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This is a David and Goliath fight. If California passes this proposition, we’ll see a wave of GMO right-to-know moves across the land. And if it fails, well, we could see the destruction of the organic food industry. Organic crops may disappear in our lifetime, as the threat of pollen from the patented GMO crops blowing across roads onto organic fields is very real.
While the vote isn’t until November, the time to get involved is now. We need all the help we can get. I urge you, whether or not you live in California, to contribute all you can to this campaign. Please visit http://www.organicconsumers.org/articles/article_26121.cfm.
If you don’t have a computer, you can donate by mailing Organic Consumers Association, 6771 South Silver Hill Drive, Finland, MN 55603, or by calling 888-403-1007 (toll-free).
I’ve not asked for your donations to anything before. I typically ask you to contact your representatives. But this time I’m urging you, for the sake of yourselves, your families, unborn generations, and the planet itself, please step up to the plate, contribute, and if you live in California, vote FOR prop. 37. The proposition is not asking for a ban on GMO. It is truth in labeling only! Your right to know. This issue directly affects the entire planet.
While the battle at hand is in California, it is a national/international issue. Many countries mandate GMO labeling. Not so in the “land of the free.” If these foods are safe, as the chemical giants claim, why are they fighting your right to know what’s in your food?
Please support your right to know, and take action NOW.
Yours for better health and medical freedom,