June 27, 2012

A “green” way to lose weight

You probably know that I’m a huge fan of green tea. Not only is it one of my favorite drinks (along with water), it’s a beverage that has a number of health benefits. And, as an extract, has even more powerful benefits. But now there’s another “green” extract that could be extremely healthful as well. In fact, it could help you lose those unwanted pounds.

According to a new study, green coffee beans may provide you with an easy way to lose weight. In the study, a University of Scranton team followed 16 overweight or obese people consuming just different doses of ground green coffee beans or a placebo. This was a double-blind, cross-over study in which each group rotated to a different dose or placebo. This is a superior study since each subject is his/her own control.

The researchers monitored the subjects, aged 22-26, for exercise, fat, and protein intake and calorie intake. These factors didn’t change.

The participants lost an average of 7 kilos (nearly 15.5 pounds) during the 22 weeks of the study. It included an average of a 10.5% decrease in overall body weight and a 16% decrease in body fat.

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Author Joe Vinson suggested that weight loss might have been significantly faster, but participants received the placebo and the lower dose of green coffee extract for part of the study period. This might have offset more dramatic results.

We are learning more and more about coffee. Here, raw coffee extract safely stimulated weight loss. I’ve previously reported how green tea extract assists this process. And so does resveratrol. What do all of these have in common? Bioflavonoids!

The researchers used doses of 700 and 1,050 mg. Both should be perfectly safe for most people. You can find green coffee extract readily available online.

Ref: Cell Metabolism, news release, May 17, 2012.

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