January 4, 2012
Protect your heart and intimacy
with natural nitric oxide
I’ve told you a lot about nitric oxide (NO) lately. NO is that magic molecule that dilates your blood vessels. It protects your heart. And, in men, it’s the end result of drugs used for erectile dysfunction. So how would you like to get NO for free? A new study shows you how...
Emory University researchers studied exercise on mice. I know, exercise doesn’t sound exciting. But what these researchers found could save your life – including your sex life.
The researchers had mice run on a wheel for 4 weeks. They found that exercise enables the heart to produce AND actually store more NO, which protects your heart from injury.
The lead researcher, David Lefer, PhD, said “Our study provides new evidence that nitric oxide generated during physical exercise is actually stored in the bloodstream and heart in the form of nitrite and nitrosothiols. These more stable nitric oxide intermediates appear to be critical for the cardioprotection against a subsequent heart attack.”
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This simply means your heart stores nitrites and nitrosothiols (sulfur containing nitrite compounds) as an immediately available delivery reservoir of NO. They found that voluntary exercise boosted levels of an enzyme that produces nitric oxide (eNOS, endothelial nitric oxide synthase).
Importantly, the levels of eNOS in heart tissue, and nitrite and nitrosothiols in the blood as well as heart tissue, stayed high for a week after exercise stopped. This was unlike other heart enzymes that exercise stimulates. In other words, exercise can prevent a heart attack for up to a week after you do it. The protective effects of exercise did not extend beyond four weeks, though. By that time, nitrite and nitrosothiols in the heart returned to baseline. The researchers knew it was the eNOS enzyme at work, since mice lacking that enzyme did not have any protection from exercise.
You can get nitric oxide from several different sources – and, no, you don’t have to take drugs to get it. The two best ways to get it are diet and exercise. One of the best nitric-oxide rich foods is the beet. You can read all about this wonderful food on my website. These articles are free to subscribers.
You also can get nitric oxide from supplements that enhance eNOS production and deliver the raw material (nitrite). I think that’s great, and they’ll definitely benefit some people. The supplements I recommend contain beets (Advanced Greens Formula) or beet crystals. You can also use a supplement like Neo40, which delivers nitrites directly. Both of these are excellent supplements you can use if you can’t get enough exercise.
Ref: Circ. Res. May 4, 2011.
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