December 16, 2011

Stop one direct cause of Parkinson’s with two common vitamins

Many studies have showed a direct connection between pesticides and Parkinson’s disease. The more pesticides you’re around, the more likely you are to get Parkinson’s. And it’s almost impossible to avoid pesticides today. They’re everywhere. So it’s vital you take steps to protect yourself. And a new study says two common vitamins can help.

In this study, researchers gave vitamin E and vitamin C to rats they exposed to the dangerous but common pesticide diazinon. The control rats (not taking the vitamins) suffered significant free radical damage (lipid peroxidation) in their brains.

However, the rats receiving both vitamins E and C had reduced lipid peroxidation. They also had higher activity of the crucial enzyme SOD. SOD prevents oxidative damage and has other health benefits.

This study once again shows that diazinon directly induces neuronal damage. And this is just one pesticide. Others do the same damage.

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This study also showed that supplemental vitamins C and E can stop the damage this pesticide can do (and they probably stop the damage from other pesticides as well). I’m glad that they used both vitamins, since they work together to provide greater protection. Just giving one variable, as most medical studies do, might not have shown any protection.

Unless you are eating a 100% organic diet, something hard to do, you’re getting some pesticides in your body. Here is another reason to take supplements, contrary to the establishment pundits.

A few weeks ago, I told you about a bogus study relating multivitamins to early death. It was all over the news. Now we read about two common vitamins that are in every multivitamin on the market that can stop one direct cause of Parkinson’s disease. But, to my knowledge, not one news outlet carried the story. It’s too bad the media doesn’t have to take the Hippocratic oath. 

Don’t listen to the media. Take a high-quality multivitamin, such as Healthy Resolve, every day.

Ref: Toxicol Ind Health., 2011 May 4. [Epub ahead of print].

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