October 12, 2011
An overlooked cause of
blood pressure
Do a simple search on the Internet for high blood pressure causes and you’ll find two primary answers. The first is a poor diet. The second is not enough exercise. I agree with both of those. But there’s one cause that you won’t read about on WebMD or other conventional sites. And it’s one of the major causes of high blood pressure.
This major cause of hypertension is low-level lead poisoning. Lead, as you may know, is everywhere. The Chinese recently came under attack for the high lead levels in their toys and supplements. In this country, paint manufacturers used it in their products for years. So older homes have high lead levels on the walls. Water also is a source of lead, primarily from lead pipes and high lead-content soil. These and many other sources of lead make lead poisoning a very common problem.
The reason you don’t hear much about lead poisoning is that it doesn’t carry any obvious symptoms. And most doctors don’t know how to test for it. They think a blood test is sufficient. It’s not.
The best evaluation for lead poisoning is a chelation challenge followed by a lab evaluation of the heavy metal load excreted in your urine. You can do this yourself by contacting Mercout (877-530-4800) and requesting a kit for checking your heavy metals. Be sure to specifically request a complete heavy metal test or you might just get checked for mercury.
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If your test comes back high for any heavy metal, you need to see a physician skilled in removing heavy metals. If you don’t have one near you, call my office (707-578-7787) and schedule an appointment for a consultation. I can educate you on how I would approach this problem in my office. I won’t be treating you, just “educating” you on how to remove the metals.
One of the supplements you’ll need to take is Advanced Detox Formula. It’s designed to remove heavy metals by activating your own glutathione detox pathways. I’ve seen it work wonders for heavy metal removal.
Another is Detoxamin suppositories, which are highly effective at lead removal. You can order these by calling 877-656-4553. When you call, make sure you give them the coupon code SAVE for 10% off of your entire order.
I’ll have more on ways to lower your blood pressure in an upcoming issue of Second Opinion.
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