September 30, 2011
The simple way to reduce your
breast cancer risk by 43%
Women have about a one-in-seven risk of getting breast cancer. With such a high risk, taking steps to prevent the disease is absolutely vital. On Wednesday, I told you that women with the worst hot flashes have a lower risk of breast cancer. I also gave you two supplements that can calm hot flashes and lower your risk. And, in the past, I’ve told you about selenium and iodine for breast-cancer prevention.
But there’s no easier way to reduce breast cancer risk than eating the right diet. In fact, making one small adjustment to your diet can lower your risk of getting breast cancer by a stunning 43%.
Researchers at Boston University tracked over 50,000 African-American women and their diets. The study followed them for 12 years. Some 1,300 developed breast cancer. One third of them were estrogen-receptor negative. That’s a cancer type, which is more difficult to treat conventionally. It’s also more deadly.
The good news though is that women who ate at least two servings daily of colorful veggies had a 43% reduced risk of this cancer. That’s a huge reduction! Three or more servings per week reduced risk by only 17%. More cruciferous veggies (broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, etc.) also significantly reduced risk.
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I’d like you to consider a different message from this study than what others might say. From its appearance, a veggie friendly diet “reduces” your breast (and other) cancer risk dramatically. However, I don’t think that veggies reduce your risk at all. I think that the SAD (standard American diet) exponentially increases your cancer risk across the board.
I believe that our bodies thrive on healthy veggie-based foods as the core of our diets. Were we to be doing that, and have the environmental toxin level that was present in 1900, only one in 40 women would get breast cancer instead of the current one-in-seven. It’s not that the Living Foods Diet is “breast (or prostate) friendly” to you. It’s that the average American diet is highly toxic to you.
Don’t focus on “reducing” your cancer risk with food. Instead, don’t increase an otherwise low risk with a terrible diet. Make a diet filled with fruits and veggies your standard diet. You’ll likely avoid this and many other deadly diseases if you do.
Ref: Breast Cancer Research 2010;12:R82; American Journal of Epidemiology 2010;October 11th; American Journal of Gastroenterology 2010;October 26th; Public Health Nutrition 2010;November 12:1-9.
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