May 4, 2011

Is your diabetes really hypothyroidism?

If you have hard-to-treat adult diabetes, this is important information. Your problem might not be insulin and your pancreas. It could be your thyroid!

A research team knew that both humans and animals exposed to cold temperatures get high blood pressure. They wondered if diabetic mice would get the problem faster in the cold than normal mice.

So the researchers placed diabetic and control mice in a box and kept them at a constant 41 degrees F. The normal mice survived, while the diabetic mice died in just two hours. The team figured that the diabetic animals couldn’t maintain their body heat.

The researchers decided to take it to the next step. They wondered if giving the animals thyroid hormone might help them withstand the cold. They gave the diabetic mice an injection of thyroid hormone. Those mice increased their body temperature. But more, they also had a significant drop in their blood sugar within two hours, and by 50% within four hours.

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The researchers then looked at blood sugar levels at the start of the study. In the diabetic animals, they found the level was five times normal! They found that the thyroid levels in these animals were also low.

Diabetes affects 150 million worldwide, and that’s an understatement. In Oklahoma, where the researcher conducted this study, there are over 268,500 cases. Most are obese or overweight. And, most can cure it with diet alone. But, I’ve seen a number of people resistant to a simple dietary fix. And, there is a group of adult diabetics who are thin. You can be thin and be hypothyroid. You can be heavy with low thyroid as a contributing factor.

If you have adult diabetes, please check your thyroid level by blood, to include a “free T3, free T4,” and TSH. Now we know that these tests are notoriously inaccurate, especially the TSH. However, I like to see them and compare them to your basal body temperature. Please check your “under the tongue” temperature the moment you open your eyes in the morning, three days in a row. It should be at least 97.8F. If it’s not, see your integrative physician. A prescription for T3 (as used in this study) might help your low thyroid and diabetes in one shot.

Ref: ixzz16qSZzFER.

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