February 4, 2011

Improve your vision by up to
30% in just two months

You probably already know that certain plant flavonoids can protect your eyes. I've told you in the past about bilberry, grape seed extract, and other flavonoids. Now there's a way to increase the protection - and improve your vision.

In 46 diabetic patients with mild to moderate eye disease, Pycnogenol dramatically helped. Pycnogenol is a water extract from the bark of the French maritime pine. The participants took it for three months. Compared to a placebo group, the Pycnogenol reduced retinal edema and improved retinal thickness.

Better still, Pycnogenol increased retinal blood flow in the central retinal artery (measured by Laser Doppler) significantly. The increase went from 34 to 44 cm/s. That's a big jump. On the Snellen visual acuity chart, 18 of the 24 patients had significant improvement. And they saw the benefits after only two months. Because of how it works, this extract ought to help protect your eyes from glaucoma as well.

When it comes to preserving your retina, I take no chances. While I helped develop Advanced Vision Support, with its bilberry and grape seed flavonoids extract, I wouldn't stop there. With this information, I recommend adding Pycnogenol to your eye-protection regimen. You can find it readily available at any health food store. Follow the label directions for dosage.

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Ref: Ann Intern Med, October 5, 2010, 153:I-28.

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