May 12, 2010

Protect your skin from sunburn without dangerous chemicals

Summer is almost upon us. And so is the hot sun. While most people are scared to death about sun exposure, I've told you not to be afraid. We are made to be outdoors. All of God's creatures are. We just need to treat the sun with respect and not deliberately bake in it. It also helps to protect your skin with the right cream. But it's not sunscreen.

A 2008 study from Texas A&M University found a way to protect your skin without sunscreen. They discovered that pomegranate extract provides significant reduction in UV-induced chemical damage to human skin cells. They also found that the cells had higher antioxidant capacity. This helps to ward off UV damage.

Another study found that pomegranate extract can protect human skin fibroblast cells from death following UV exposure. Fibroblasts are critical for wound healing and protecting your skin.

UV light is a double-edged sword. We need it to live. It makes vitamin D (actually a hormone) from cholesterol. But it can induce damage if you're not careful. If you plan prolonged or repeated exposure under these circumstances, consider a pomegranate skin preparation. They are readily available online. I've never used them. I am outdoors a lot, tending my garden, and in bright sun. I do wear a wide brim hat and try to avoid high noon. My skin shows little solar damage. I also attribute the Living Foods Diet for providing me with the natural skin protection a God made (not manmade) diet grants us.

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If you do get sunburned, consider using a simple pomegranate extract you can make in your own home. Dissolve a pomegranate capsule in a small amount of 20% DMSO. Rub it in on the area. You should see improvement in the condition of your skin quickly.

Also take pomegranate juice or extract on a regular basis. Oral use may protect as much as the topical protection of sunscreens. I'm not a fan of sunscreens in general, due to the fact that they contain chemicals that can damage your skin. So the combination of oral pomegranate juice or extract might help you get the protection you need from less potent (chemical laden) sunscreens.

Life Extension makes a fine pomegranate extract and is available online. Simply follow the label directions.

Yours for better health and medical freedom,

Ref: J Agric Food Chem, 2008; 56(18): 8434-41.

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