February 26, 2010

How 81 children can
improve your memory

On Wednesday, I showed you how to prevent and even treat memory loss. Today, I'm going to tell you about a study that shows you how to not only keep your memory, but actually improve it.

A study from the United Kingdom followed 81 children between 8 and 14 years of age. The researchers found that when the children took a daily multiple vitamin/mineral supplement for up to 12 weeks it improved their brain function. The kids receiving the supplement did better on two attention tasks.

Why is this important? I know that you are not a kid, but this study on children and vitamins has lots of relevance to you.

First, it tells us that the general diet is tragically deficient. If our diets were sufficient in essential nutrients, we wouldn't see such differences. How does it tell us that our diet is deficient? Since kids haven't had many years to accumulate toxins and stresses known to damage their brain cells, a deficient diet is the only explanation. And if they're deficient, so are you. Even if you kept a diet as strict as mine, you'd likely have deficiencies. Our soils are depleted. Mineral deficiency is rampant in the U.S.

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Second, if these deficiencies remain all your life, they certainly can affect your brain later in life with degenerative disease. Knowing that these kids improve with supplements is a testament to their need for a better diet and a multivitamin/mineral supplement. And we all need to take them for the rest of our lives.

If you're not currently taking a high-quality multivitamin/mineral, along with a fish oil supplement (which can help your memory improve as well), I strongly recommend you take Healthy Resolve by Advanced Bionutritionals. This study proves it can improve your memory.

One final note: Another study shows that eating more fruits and veggies leads to better academic performance in schoolchildren. In these kids, their baseline intake was below the recommended amount. Clearly, nutritional status affects your brain performance. And if it affects brain performance, it also affects every cell in your body. Please eat right and take supplements regularly

Yours for better health and medical freedom,

Ref: Br J Nutr, 2008; 100(5); Can J Diet Pract Res, 2008; 69(3).

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