October 28, 2009

Can a supplement really suppress your appetite?

For years, overweight Americans have been searching for a diet pill that will significantly reduce their appetite. Thousands of products have promised to suppress your appetite. But they soon disappeared after people found out they didn't work. That's very common. Most supplements won't suppress your appetite. But now there may be one that actually does.

If you are obese, consider supplementing your diet with sodium alginate. Alginate is a gelling material made from seaweed. It's an excellent detoxifier and binds heavy metals. And a new study says it can help you lose weight more easily.

Researchers studied 68 male and female obese patients (body mass index 18.5-32.8 kg/m(2)). An alginate supplement helped them reduce their energy intake by 7%. That correlates to 135 calories per day less intake. They ate significantly less carbs, sugar, fat, saturated fat, and even protein.

Alginate is readily available in health food stores and on the Internet. I recommend you take between 500 mg-3,000 mg daily, depending on your body mass index. The higher your body mass index, the more you should take. (Body mass index calculators are available on the Internet.) Alginate is very safe and well tolerated.

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Ref: Appetite, 2008; 51(3): 713-9.

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