October 2, 2009

Want to avoid Alzheimer's? Eat this Indian spice twice a week

Are you afraid of losing your memory? Does Alzheimer's run in your family? If so, there's new evidence that one of my favorite spices will protect your brain and prevent Alzheimer's?

According to this new study, if you eat curry two to three times per week, you can prevent memory loss. The key component of curry is the spice turmeric. And turmeric is rich in the bioflavonoid curcumin. Curcumin is one of my top-five bioflavonoids, joining resveratrol, Seanol, green tea, and quercetin. These compounds are just non-stop disease prevention and even treatment.

Curcumin, in particular, prevents the progression of the amyloid protein plaques, which destroy neurons in your brain. The more you eat, the better your protection.

I've said for years that curcumin helps your brain. We've seen studies done on curcumin and Parkinson's, arthritis, cancer, and even heart disease. But this is the first one on Alzheimer's. Eating curry is a great way to protect your brain. I eat curry regularly. Turmeric is a delicious spice that offers so much in health protection, from circulation to dementia. Feel free to add it as liberally as you want to your food. Your neurons will thank you!

Continued Below...

Why Native Chinese Have Half the Rate of High Blood Pressure as their American Cousins

They use a 5,000-year-old formula that works even when conventional remedies fail. Modern studies show it works!

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Yours for better health and medical freedom,

Ref: BBC News, June 3, 2009.

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