April 8, 2009

Are commercial moisturizers poisoning you?

If you use skin moisturizers, you might be poisoning yourself. According to a new study, these popular products promote skin tumors. But you can have soft, moist skin without the poison.

Researchers in this study rubbed four different moisturizers into the skin of mice for five days a week for 17 weeks. After applying the moisturizers, the researchers exposed the mice to UV radiation. The products were:

  • Dermabase, which increased the total number of tumors by 69%.
  • Dermovan, which increased the total number of tumors by 95%.
  • Eucerin, which increased the total number of tumors by 24%.
  • Vanicream, which increased the total number of tumors by 58%.

The researchers admitted the findings were a surprise. And no one knows if these moisturizers will do the same to humans. The biochemistry of skin between the two species may be very different. But knowing that some products have done this should cause you to pause and look for safer ways to moisten your skin.

Moisturizers are almost a requirement for millions of people. At high altitudes or in deserts, even my skin gets itchy. I suggest coconut oil or shea butter instead of using commercial creams. Dampen your skin first, and then apply either of these to lock in the water. Both are available at your local health food store.

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Ref: WebMD News, 8-14-08.

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