January 2, 2009

Taking extra calcium to prevent osteoporosis? Stop! It's killing you!

For years, doctors have told women to take up to 1,500 mg (or more) of calcium supplements to reduce their risk of osteoporosis. What they didn't know was that their recommendation would kill a lot of these women. And it would do very little for their bones.

I've known calcium was dangerous for years. But now a major New Zealand study shows that it's even more dangerous than we thought. These researchers found that taking calcium supplements raises your risk of heart attacks.

The researchers randomly assigned 1,471 postmenopausal women to take a placebo or 1,500 mg of calcium daily for five years. The researchers actually expected calcium to reduce both heart attacks and strokes. However, they found that those taking calcium had a 40% higher risk of heart attacks. Their risk for stroke also rose.

This should be a huge blow to the conventional wisdom of thinking supplemental calcium is the remedy for osteoporosis. However, this study strongly suggests that you need to fix the cause of the calcium leak rather than emphasize replacing the calcium. It seems that the forces causing the calcium to leak from your bones are the same that direct that calcium into your arteries.

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To stop the leak, start with your diet.ÿ Reduce animal products. These tend to acidify you, which will leach calcium. You also should consider other nutrient deficiencies that can prevent calcium absorption. These include vitamins D and K2.

You don't need to take very much calcium in supplement form. I don't recommend more than 500 mg per day of supplemental calcium. Most should come from diet. If you eat lot of green leafy vegetables, you'll get most of the calcium you need to protect your bones. These veggies alkalinize and further provide vitamin K, which directs the abundant useful calcium to your bones.

Make sure that any bone supplements you take contain vitamin K2 and the minerals boron, silicon, magnesium, zinc, copper, and strontium (you can get all of these in Advanced Bionutritionals Advanced Bone Support). Also make sure that your vitamin D level is in the highest one-third of the lab reference range.

I have lots of information on my website on osteoporosis. Please check it out. And whatever you do, don't take so much calcium. It could kill you!

Yours for better health and medical freedom,

Ref: Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, University of Auckland, Private Bag 92019, Auckland, New Zealand.

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