Thanks to new research on animals, there's exciting evidence that one of my favorite nutrients can lower your cholesterol. In fact, this evidence shows that it can lower your cholesterol even better than drugs.

But it's even better than that. This nutrient not only lowers your cholesterol, but it also lowers your triglycerides. Now that's impressive! High triglycerides are difficult to lower.

In a new eight-week study, researchers studied the cholesterol levels of hamsters. They divided the animals into two groups. They fed the first group resveratrol. The second group took a drug called fenofibrate, which reduces cholesterol absorption. The hamsters that took resveratrol had significantly reduced serum cholesterol, serum triglycerides, apolipoprotein B (ApoB), Lp(a), and cholesterol ester transport protein. All of these are significant risk factors for heart disease.

But the news gets better still. Resveratrol also increases Apo A-1 and the Apo A-1/Apo B ratio. Apo A-1 reduces your heart attack risk!

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And, if that's not enough, there's more.

Compared to the drug group, the hamsters that took resveratrol had much less cholesterol and triglycerides in their livers. And it also reduced their genetic expression of the enzyme responsible for making cholesterol. That means the nutrient caused their DNA to direct the liver to set a lower point for cholesterol levels.

Here's what that means: Rather than taking a drug to inhibit your cholesterol-making enzyme, resveratrol may turn down the amount of the enzyme naturally. That way, you'll have less cholesterol, but you won't impair the enzyme, as statins do. The cholesterol-making enzyme is of critical importance in your brain. And, it makes the all-important heart nutrient CoQ10.

The only problem with this study is that it was in animals, not humans. But considering all the great information on resveratrol that I've told you about, this fits in quite nicely. Everything we've seen resveratrol do in animals has transferred over to humans. So there's little reason to doubt its ability to do all this.

Please consider resveratrol long before you consider a petrochemical pharmaceutical for cholesterol. I suggest 100 mg, two to three times daily. Then get your cholesterol level checked after at least eight weeks.

One of the best resveratrol products on the market is sold by
Advanced Bionutritionals

Ref: "Resveratrol attenuates the expression of HMG-CoA reductase mRNA in hamsters," Cho IJ, Ahn JY, et al, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2008; 367(1): 190-4.

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