Researchers just recently published the results of their investigation into whether or not the levels of a particular vitamin in women with breast cancer had anything to do with how likely they were to beat the disease. They selected a large group of 1,666 women with breast cancer of various kinds and in various stages.
And what if there was one blood test that could increase your chances of surviving the disease by more than 50%?
All this blood test measures is a vitamin that you can find anywhere.
Well, I hope you never need this test for this reason. But the good news is we have such a test.
Researchers just recently published the results of their investigation into whether or not the vitamin D levels of a woman with breast cancer had anything to do with how likely she was to beat the disease. They selected a large group of 1,666 women with breast cancer of various kinds and in various stages.
Then they did a very simple, inexpensive, and easy thing. They checked their vitamin D3 levels. After that, they followed them for the next eight years to see how well they did. Here’s what they discovered.
At the time of diagnosis, the vitamin D levels were significantly lower in the women with advanced-stage tumors. The higher the vitamin D level was, the less likely that the woman had an advanced form of the disease.
The levels were particularly low in premenopausal women with triple-negative cancer. This group typically has the worst outcome. So, according to this research, women with higher vitamin D levels develop much less aggressive cancers. And that’s not all.
Across the board, the lower her vitamin D levels were, the more likely a woman was to die from her cancer. And the more likely that the cancer would progress or reoccur.
In fact, when they divided the women into three groups according to their vitamin D levels, the ones in the group with the highest levels were more than 25% more likely to survive than those in the lowest group. And this was true no matter what kind of cancer they had or how progressed it was. That’s amazing enough, but it gets even better.
The protective effect of having a higher vitamin D level was even stronger in premenopausal women. They were 63% more likely to survive their disease than those with lower levels.
The authors of the study put their astounding findings this way, “Our findings from a large, well-characterized prospective cohort [group of women with breast cancer of various kinds] provide compelling observational evidence on associations of vitamin D with lower risk of breast cancer morbidity [sickness and complications] and mortality.”
Previous studies have shown that the optimal level of vitamin D is between 50-60 ng/ml. So ladies, pay attention to your vitamin D levels whether you have breast cancer or not.
And if you’re not up to the 50-60 ng/ml level, please make sure that you are taking enough vitamin D3 to get there. You might have to check your level a few times to make sure, but it’s well worth it.
Yao, S., M.L. Kwan, et al. “Association of Serum Level of Vitamin D at Diagnosis With Breast Cancer Survival: A Case-Cohort Analysis in the Pathways Study.” JAMA Oncol. 2016 November 10.