Many people call me the "father of medical freedom" because of the work I did in Alaska to get the country's first medical freedom bill passed. While I work hard to make sure you have the freedom to get the medical treatment you want and need, you are the one who can really make a difference. The more your voice is heard by our government, the more likely medical freedom will be here for your grandchildren to enjoy. And now there's an excellent opportunity to tell the government why you love alternative medicine.

The FDA is giving you the opportunity to tell your story. The government agency is currently taking public comment about complementary and alternative medicine regulations for their products. Many of my colleagues and I believe this is a fishing expedition for terrible stories of alternative medicine gone bad. The FDA is looking for any reason it can find to clamp down on your freedoms.

Fortunately, the FDA cannot violate current law that still protects supplements and certain devices. However, the FDA can make lives miserable. So to protect your medical freedom, please take this opportunity to tell the FDA about your good experience with complementary and alternative medicine.

Respectfully request that the agency honor your choice to seek non-drug alternatives for your health. Tell the FDA that you are opposed to further restrictions on complementary and alternative therapies and practices. The choice should be yours, not the government's. To send your comment, go to the website:
Once you are there, please fill in the boxes and click on the "Continue" button at the bottom of the screen. In the next screen, you'll have the opportunity to leave your personal comments. The more good you can tell them, the better our chances of preserving our medical freedoms.

Continued Below...

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Please do this today! Don't wait. There is a very small window for public comment. The opportunity closes April 30. So make your comments today.

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