Another Autoimmune Disease Cured

Dr. Frank Shallenberger, MD

February 25, 2019



The first thing that impressed me about Nicole was her cheerfulness. Here was a 34-year-old beautiful woman who had every reason in the world to be sad and self-absorbed. But, instead, she was anything but. She suffered from an autoimmune disorder that was greatly affecting her life.

I've showed you in the past how to cure Crohn’s disease. Now it was Nicole’s turn to experience what natural medicine can do for another autoimmune disease.

I asked her how her condition was affecting her life, she told me, “I’m just not going to let this get me down.” She went on to tell about her home business. She was so successful with this business that she was now making more money than her attorney husband.

But despite her positive attitude and financial success, I still felt for her. When she walked into the clinic, she went slowly. She moved like a 70-year-old with severe aches and pains. It took her almost five minutes just to walk the distance from my waiting room to the exam room.

Nicole went on to tell me that she had always been thin. But because her pain prevented her from almost any activity, she was now steadily gaining weight, and had put on 30 pounds. She was especially concerned because her condition was getting worse.

She was strong now, but I knew that eventually this disease would wear her out. And she would be like so many other patients I had seen over the years with this terrible condition.

Treating the Cause

Nicole had a disease called polymyalgia, or more precisely called polymyalgia rheumatica. Polymyalgia is a type of arthritis that affects the muscles. Specifically, it does not affect the bones or the joints.

It causes muscles to become stiff, tender, and very painful. The muscles most severely affected are those of the neck, shoulders, lower back, hips, and thighs.

Besides having all of these symptoms, Nicole also complained of low energy, fatigue, and severe sweating at night. These are also common symptoms of polymyalgia.

Polymyalgia is an auto-immune disease. And just like with all auto-immune diseases, women develop polymyalgia rheumatica more often than men. It usually happens to women over the age of 50.

The main symptom of polymyalgia and all of the other auto-immune diseases is inflammation. This occurs when the immune system responds to an infection. Infections from viruses, fungi, parasites, or bacteria.

Therefore, in order to successfully treat polymyalgia, there must be a twofold plan. One, decrease the way the immune system is creating inflammation. And two, eliminate, or at least reduce, the infection that’s causing the problem in the first place. There’s one very remarkable treatment that can often accomplish both of these things. I’m talking about intravenous infusions of hydrogen peroxide and DMSO.

Hydrogen peroxide is a naturally occurring substance. Every cell in your body makes it. This is particularly true of the immune cells, which use it to eliminate infections. Dr. Charles Farr discovered over 25 years ago that infusing hydrogen peroxide into patients with the flu and colds almost immediately eliminates these infections. And doctors who have used this remarkable therapy have seen this happen over and over again. It’s an excellent treatment for almost any infection that the immune system is having a problem controlling.

DMSO, short for dimethyl sulfoxide, is not a naturally occurring substance. It’s a chemical solvent that’s a byproduct of the paper industry. It is FDA approved for use in the treatment of only one disorder — an auto-immune disorder called interstitial cystitis. However, I’ve used it successfully for all sorts of auto-immune disorders.

For an excellent description of DMSO and how it has been used over the years, I recommend a book called, DMSO — Nature’s Healer by Morton Walker.

DMSO has several well-known properties. It dramatically improves circulation. Even in experimental conditions where researchers reduce the blood flow, it is able to normalize circulation. This property is especially valuable in the treatment of polymyalgia, because decreased circulation is a primary cause of muscle pain.

DMSO is also a potent anti-inflammatory. Studies have shown that whether it’s taken intravenously, orally, or topically, this remarkable substance dramatically eliminates inflammation — and with none of the dangers so commonly seen with anti-inflammatory medications. And when the inflammation goes, the pain goes.

Lastly, DMSO is a strong antioxidant. Studies show that DMSO increases the amount of all of the antioxidant enzymes including SOD, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase. This is important in patients with polymyalgia, because the disease always depletes these critical enzymes. And a lack of antioxidant enzymes is a fundamental cause of the inflammatory process.

This antioxidant property of DMSO is also why it’s particularly valuable when used with hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide is an oxidant treatment. When it’s applied to a patient who has a lack of antioxidant enzymes, it’s smart to add DMSO. The DMSO will balance out the oxidant actions of the hydrogen peroxide. The two treatments are truly synergistic in every way.

It’s All About Hugs

By now, you probably have a pretty good idea of how I treated Nicole. In addition to starting her on a detoxifying diet and supplement program, I also started her on regular intravenous infusions of hydrogen peroxide mixed with DMSO. The formula I use is as follows:

In 500 cc of a standard solution of water and glucose called “D5W,” I put 5 cc of pharmaceutical-grade hydrogen peroxide. I also add 2 mg of manganese sulfate.

I use the manganese sulfate to prevent the only potential side effect of hydrogen peroxide – it can occasionally cause an irritation, called phlebitis, to the vein where I administer it.

To this solution, I then add in pharmaceutical grade 50% DMSO. I put in 0.1 cc for every pound that the patient weighs.

Prior to starting the IV of hydrogen peroxide and DMSO, I inject 2 grams of magnesium sulfate along with 1 cc of B-complex. This injection is an intravenous injection referred to as a “push” IV. This has the effect of opening up (vasodilating) all of the blood vessels, and allowing the hydrogen peroxide/DMSO infusion to penetrate deeper into the tissues.

I gave Nicole this treatment every day for five days. At the end of that time, she told me her symptoms were 50% better. We repeated the series of IVs the following week.

After two weeks, her pain was down by 90%, and she was starting to exercise. Exercise was something she had not been able to do for over two years. She also was excited to tell me that her husband could now hug her without having to worry about causing her pain. It was good to be hugged, and just to prove it, she gave me one.

While getting these treatments, she also followed the strict detoxifying diet and supplement program. She was determined to do whatever it took to get well. And get well she did.

I gradually decreased the intravenous treatments from five days a week to one day a week. After several months, we decreased them to once a month. And then after several months, we completely discontinued them. They were no longer needed.

Nicole did not have polymyalgia any more. She had no more symptoms, was not on any medication, and had normal blood markers for inflammation. Nicole had become one of the many people who found out that just because doctors call a disease incurable, doesn’t mean that it can’t be cured.

It has been three years since I treated Nicole. She no longer needs any IVs or any other special treatment. She just takes good care of herself in the same way that all of my patients do. She eats good food, takes the right supplements, and gets plenty of sleep and exercise. And she continues to be the picture of cheerfulness.


Santos, N.C., J. Figuera-Coelho, J. Martins-Silva, and C. Saldanha. "Multidisciplinary utilization of dimethyl sulfoxide: pharmacological, cellular, and molecular aspects.” Biochem Pharmacol. 2003 April 1;65(7):1035-41.

Tamblyn, R., L. Berkson, W.D. Jauphinee, et al. “Unnecessary Prescribing of NSAIDs and the Management of NSAID-Related Gastropathy in Medical Practice,” Annals of Internal Medicine 1997 September 15;127(6):429-38.


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