How to Avoid Surgery for Painful Joints – Works 90% of the Time

Dr. Frank Shallenberger, MD
January 7, 2019


We all know that some doctors have a tendency to exaggerate their results. And when I tell you that Prolozone is incredibly good at regenerating damaged tissues and joints while at the same time taking pain away even in very difficult cases, I am sure that there is a part of you that thinks, “Prolozone might be good, but it just can’t be that good.”

I don’t blame you. I also go by the motto that if it’s too good to be true, it probably isn’t. So, that’s why I want to share this letter with you written by a medical doctor who is an expert in neurological and muscle disorders.  He writes:

“I am an Osteopath certified in Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine in Delray Beach. I perform ultrasound guided nerve blocks, tendon, ligament, joint injections with PRP and general prolotherapy solutions. My ideal goal is to decrease pain and improve function without surgery. I heard about the benefits of ozone from a few patients who had Prolozone injections from another doctor in the area. It sounded like a natural fit for our office ‘Nonsurgical Orthopedics.’ I took Dr. Shallenberger's courses in Nevada. I was immediately intrigued.

“I met Monika Spence and a few other staff members from Longevity Resources at the conference. They answered about a million of my questions and made me feel comfortable purchasing a machine, as they educated me on the process, alleviated my fears, and offered their support post purchase. I bought a Quantum 5 ozone generator and couldn't be more pleased. The staff at Longevity kept their promise and helped us set up the machine over the phone once the ozone generator arrived. It was basically plug and play. Very easy to set up and use. It has worked out great!

“Demand has been through the roof. Best of all. Results have been amazing – 90% success rate so far. Tough cases of knee arthritis that didn't respond to viscosupplements did well with homeopathics followed by ozone. Even many difficult rotator cuff injuries and sciatica cases responded. We are so happy with the machine, the results and service we received from Longevity that we purchased a 2nd unit for our other office today.”

Getting Rid of Pain-Pill Addiction

These days we hear a lot about the “opioid crisis.”  Doctors are constantly being warned about opioid pain pill abuse. As a result, many patients who really need the pills are not able to get them, and just have to learn to accept their suffering. It’s wrong! But, as this doctor attests to, there is another answer to the problem. Here’s a real life example from someone I have been treating over the past five months. 

She is a 63-year-old retired registered nurse who had an injury 10 years ago that left her neck in severe chronic pain. She has had multiple surgeries, nerve ablations, and an implanted nerve stimulator. Nothing worked. She was still on a large dose of narcotics. The drugs and the continuous pain prevented her from working or even having much of a life. That is until she started getting Prolozone treatments.

So far, she has had three Prolozone injections combined with PRP (platelet rich plasma). And now, for the first time in years she is starting to feel better. She had been on a highly addicting medication called fentanyl, along with a narcotic pain pill for years. She is now off fentanyl, and will soon be off her other pill. I have so many stories like this that I’m convinced that Prolozone is by far the single best way to reduce and, in many cases, eliminate the need for narcotics. But, there’s more to this story.

Why Doctors Won’t Use Prolozone

She told me that her pain specialist, the doctor who has been prescribing the narcotics over the years, is very happy that she has been able to reduce them. So, I told her to invite him over to one of my training seminars so he can learn how to do Prolozone and better help his patients. Surprisingly, the answer was, “I can’t do that.” She asked him why, and this is what he said, “This is an insurance-based office, and Prolozone won’t pay nearly as well as prescribing narcotics.” It always amazes me when doctors are driven more by profit than by what they have been put on this earth to do.  But, such is not the case of the doctor who wrote the letter above.

That doctor is a real doctor. He knows why he is here. His primary interest is not in profit, or in satisfying colleagues, lawyers, or insurance companies. Instead, his focus is on helping his patients no matter what it takes. So, to all of you who battle with chronic pain of any kind, especially those on narcotics, if you have not found a doctor trained in Prolozone, you can find one at Do it whether you have had surgery or not. And, if you haven’t had surgery, do it before you resort to surgery. I have found, and the studies have shown that 90+% of surgeries for pain conditions can be avoided with Prolozone.

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