A Practical 12-Step Program to Prevent Breast Cancer

Dr. Frank Shallenberger, MD
November 26, 2018


The best way to prevent people from dying of a particular cancer is routine annual screening, right? I mean the earlier you find a cancer, the longer the individual is going to live, right? That’s what we hear all the time, but is it always true?

Well, it depends on the cancer and the screening test used. Not every screening procedure will be effective. For example, I have written to you in the past about how PSA screening has been proven in two large studies to have no impact at all on the death rate from prostate cancer. And a study from several years ago showed that routine mammography screening doesn’t work either. But, don’t go away yet. After I explain the study to you, I’m going to show you 12 steps you can take to prevent breast cancer.

Philippe Autier, MD, the lead author of the mammography study works at the International Prevention Research Institute in Lyon, France. This is what he said after the publication of his findings, “Deaths from breast cancer are decreasing in North America, Australia, and most Nordic and western European countries. But it is difficult to tell whether this decrease is due to early detection from screening and early treatment, or whether it is due to better healthcare. We think it’s due to better care.”

Dr. Autier and colleagues noticed that after Iceland and Finland started using PAP test screening for cervical cancer in the 1960s, the death rate from cervical cancer decreased substantially. However, in neighboring Norway, PAP tests were not introduced until years later. And as expected, there was no reduction in the cervical cancer death rate in that country until after they started using the test. The researchers reasoned that since the medical care, lifestyle, environment, and diet are similar in all three countries, it was obvious that none of these factors made the difference. It had to be the PAP test screening.

So they decided to see if the same kind of thing happened in various countries after the introduction of routine mammography.

First, they looked at Northern Ireland vs. Southern Ireland. Both of these countries have similar medical care. Northern Ireland introduced nationwide mammography screening around 1990. But Southern Ireland didn’t introduce it until 2000. So if mammography was an effective way to reduce breast cancer deaths, the death rates should have gone down more in Northern Ireland than in Southern Ireland. But that’s not what happened. The data showed that breast cancer mortality went down by 29% in Northern Ireland and by 26% in Southern Ireland. That’s a statistical tie.

Next, they looked at the Netherlands, Belgium, and Flanders. Again, these countries all have identical medical care. The Netherlands introduced routine mammography screening way back in 1989. Belgium started using it in 2001. And the Flanders began in 2002. But when Dr. Autier examined the data, he found that breast cancer mortality decreased by 25% in the Netherlands, by 20% in Belgium, and by 25% in Flanders. Again, no correlation at all between how often they used mammography and how many women they saved.

Finally, they looked at Sweden and Norway. Sweden started using routine mammography 10 years before Norway. So if mammography was so effective, you would expect to see a much larger reduction in death rates from breast cancer in Sweden than in Norway. But that is not at all what happened. In fact, the reduction in the death rate in Norway was 50% higher than the reduction in Sweden – 24% vs. 16%. This is startling. It suggests that routine screening mammography might actually increase the death rate.

The results surprised Dr. Autier, who said, “These pairs of countries are very alike. They have the same access to care, the same demographic structure, and often the same language. The fact that we don’t see any difference in mortality over time is a sure sign that mammography did not work very well.” He added, “We have plenty of data that screening for colorectal cancer and cervical cancer is worthwhile. But for breast cancer, it looks like mammography really doesn’t do the job.”

Why doesn’t it work? According to John Keen, MD, a radiologist at Cook County John H. Stroger Hospital in Chicago, “The problem here is that screening has not decreased the incidence of advanced cancer. Screening inherently misses the fast growing and catches the slow growing; hence, screening causes over diagnosis with little mortality benefit.”

Dr. Keen goes on to say something many alternative docs have said for years, “Over diagnosis of small screen-detected tumors that would never become clinically evident results in overtreatment with drugs and needless radiation. This can cause heart disease and increase future deaths.”

The Right Way to Avoid Breast Cancer

Ladies, if you sign up for breast cancer screening with mammography, you are signing up for a screening process that does not work. Worse, it often results in unnecessary and harmful treatment. I have seen a lot of women injured in this way. But until we invent a reliable screening procedure, what’s the alternative?

In my mind, the best way to prevent dying from any disease is to not get it. So how do you avoid breast cancer?

Did you know that when you add up all the statistics, they show that by using a combination of a good diet and the right supplements, it is possible to reduce a woman’s statistical risk of getting breast cancer from 1-in-7 to 1-in-35? That’s the way to go. And while you are doing that, be sure to examine your breasts once a month, and have your doctor examine them once a year. That is the only screening that is proven effective.

Here are a few real breast-cancer prevention guidelines that I offer my women patients.

(1) Take one to two scoops of my Super Immune QuickStart every day. I know of no better way to detoxify your body and strengthen your immune system on a daily basis.

(2) Take two soft gels of Complete Daily Oils every day.

(3) Take one Iodoral tablet (12.5 mg of iodine) every day. Research has shown that iodine supplements, due to their impact on the way the hormone estradiol affects breast cells, will prevent most if not all estrogen-positive breast cancers. That’s more than 80% of all breast cancers!

(4) Take 5,000 units of vitamin D3 for three months and then have your blood level checked. Make sure that it’s between 60-100 nannograms per milliliter (ng/ml). If it’s not, take more. If it’s over 100 ng/ml, adjust the dose downward and recheck the levels again in a month. I’ve told you in the past how lower vitamin D levels contribute to breast, prostate, and colon cancer.

(5) Eat a low-carb diet (refer to my book Bursting With Energy), and eat at least four servings of any of the following vegetables every week: cauliflower, broccoli, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, kale, or cabbage. This helps to balance your estrogen metabolites to optimum levels

(6) If you are over 40 years old, start taking 20 mg per day of an over-the-counter progesterone cream. If you are menstruating, do this in concert with your cycle — this means apply the cream for two weeks of every cycle starting on the tenth day after the first day of your menses. If you are menopausal, do it every day.

(7) If you’re taking hormone replacement therapy (highly recommended), be sure that you’re taking properly balanced bio-identical hormones. DO NOT take the synthetic HRT. As I mentioned earlier, these are very dangerous drugs and significantly increase your risk of breast cancer.

(8) If you are over 50, take 60 mg of melatonin at bedtime. Some people will have disturbed sleep when taking melatonin. If you notice this, take less.  You can get 60 mg melatonin capsules, called Melatonin Max, at www.perfectvitaminproducts.com.

(9) Have a breast thermography every year. Thermography can detect breast cancer after it’s formed. But more importantly, it can detect inflammations that lead to breast cancer. You and your doctor can trea t these inflammations naturally and prevent the cancer from forming in the first place.

(10) Have your doctor examine your breasts every year, six months after the annual thermography examination. Remember that the majority of breast cancers are still initially discovered by simply examining the breasts. This is especially true of the more malignant forms of breast cancer.

(11) Examine your breasts every month while bathing. In menstruating women, do this in the week immediately after the menstrual flow stops.  You do not have to be trained in how to do this.  Just feel for anything that seems unusual.

(12) Have a Bio-Energy test at any one of the clinics listed on www.bioenergytesting.com. You may have to travel for this test, but it’s worth the effort. Work with the doctor to get your EQ (Energy Quotient) greater than 100. In over 20 years of doing this test on thousands of patients, I have only seen one woman develop cancer of any kind with an EQ over 100!

These 12 steps work. They prevent cancer and help you live a vibrant, healthy life. While I can’t guarantee these guidelines will prevent every case of breast cancer, they will prevent the vast majority of cases. And I will guarantee they will prevent a lot more cancer deaths than mammograms. In fact, when you add up all of the clinical and laboratory research to date, following these guidelines will reduce your risk of getting breast cancer up to 90%.


Autier, P., M. Boniol, A. Gavin, and L.J. Vatten. “Breast cancer mortality in neighbouring European countries with different levels of screening but similar access to treatment: trend analysis of WHO mortality database.” BMJ 2011; 343:d4411 doi: 10.1136/bmj.d4411 (Published 28 July 2011).

Lowry, Fran. Screening Has Little Impact on Breast Cancer Deaths, August 3, 2011. Medscape Medical News C 2011 WebMD, LLC.

Sharpe, Robert. The Cruel Deception, Thorsons Publishing Group, Wellingborough, U.K. 1988, p.47.

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