Sauna Has Similar Effect as Medium-Intensity Exercise

March 15, 2018

What if I told you that you could reduce your blood pressure, improve your vascular health, and even raise your heart rate to the same level you'd hit with medium-intensity exercise all while sitting still for 30 minutes? You probably wouldn't believe me. After all, we've been warned quite a bit in recent years about the dangers of prolonged sitting. But research indicates the results I told you about above are possible. Of course, there's a catch. 

No, you don't have to sit and eat organic vegetables for 30 minutes straight. But you do have to be sitting in the right place. 

In many parts of the world, sauna bathing is a common activity used for both recreation and relaxation as well as for health. That's particularly true in Finland. And researchers at the University of Eastern Finland wanted to quantify just how good this activity is for your health. They gathered a group of 100 participants and assigned them the tough job of taking 30-minute sauna baths.

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The researchers, who published their results in the Journal of Human Hypertension, found that the participants experienced a number of benefits from the experience. On average, their systolic blood pressure dropped from 137 mmHg to 130 mmHg, and diastolic blood pressure went down from 82 mmHg to 75 mmHg. Their vascular compliance, a measure of blood vessel health, improved, with carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity going from 9.8 m/s before the sauna to 8.6 m/s after. And, as I mentioned above, their heart rate went up, mimicking the experience of medium-intensity exercise. These results help explain why saunas are known to be so beneficial in improving cardiac health and reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. 

If you'd like to experience these benefits for yourself, you can purchase an infrared sauna for just a couple hundred dollars. Even Home Depot sells them. But if you want to maximize your sauna time, I recommend an ozone sauna. I've written before about how the combination of ozone therapy and sauna therapy can dramatically decrease your chances of dying from heart disease. It also will help you ease stress, sleep better, experience better circulation, and burn off excess fat.

I've been working with a company called Longevity Resources to produce ozone saunas for several years. But early last year it struck me that the ozone sauna would be even more effective if it could also increase oxygen levels in the body. We were able to develop a system that bathes the cells in over 95% oxygen, allowing your cells to get even more oxygen than before. You can order this state-of-the-art ozone sauna for your home by contacting Longevity Resources at 877-543-3398 (or 001-250-654-0092 from outside Canada/USA) and tell them that you're a Second Opinion subscriber. Ask for the Hyperthermic Chamber Super EWOT Package. It's a bit pricey - but it's something you can (and should) use every day. And if it keeps you out of the hospital even once, it'll probably pay for itself. Plus, it could actually save your life - and that's priceless.

Yours for better health,

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