Many men, even younger men, have issues with libido and sexual performance. But are drugs along with the side effects that come along with them really the best answer? A new study published just this past year may be exactly what these men are looking for.
The study looked at the effect of a special mixture of extracts from the plant tribulus terrestris. The mixture is sold as Tribestan®. To do the study, researchers enlisted the help of 180 men between the ages of 18 and 65 years with mild or moderate erectile dysfunction, and with or without complaints of low libido. Some of the men also had high blood pressure, type-2 diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. For three months, they gave half of the men three capsules of Tribestan twice a day. They gave the other men a placebo.
At the end of each month, the researchers measured sexual function using the International Index of Erectile Function questionnaire (IIEF) and the Global Efficacy Question (GEQ). The IIEF score improved significantly in the Tribestan group. In fact, the scores in the men taking the Tribestan were almost three times better than the men taking the placebo. Not surprisingly, the placebo group showed no improvement.
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The Tribestan group also statistically fared better in their GEQ scores and reported greater intercourse satisfaction, orgasmic function, libido, and overall satisfaction. And, there were no side effects. According to the authors, "Following the 12-week treatment period, significant improvement in sexual function was observed with Tribestan compared with placebo in men with mild to moderate erectile dysfunction."
Tribulus terrestris is an herb that has been touted for years as an aphrodisiac. Whether or not this particular extract performs any better than some of the other extracts is unknown. But it sure doesn't sound like a bad way to start. You can buy Tribestan online.
Yours for better health,
Frank Shallenberger, MD
Kamenov Z, Fileva S, et al. Evaluation of the efficacy and safety of Tribulus terrestris in male sexual dysfunction-A prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Maturitas. 2017 May;99:20-26.