Most people have heard about the symptoms of a heart attack. Chest pain, numbness in your left arm, and shortness of breath are the most common. Sometimes those symptoms are strong and it's obvious you're having a heart attack. Other times they are more subtle and resemble other health problems, such as angina or heartburn. But what if you had a heart attack and never had any symptoms?

It's not only possible, it's fairly common. In fact, I received a letter some time ago from a gentleman in New York. He asked, "I recently found that I'd suffered a heart attack and didn't notice. Apparently, it's not uncommon. After I talked it around a little, two other guys said they'd had similar experiences. What can I do now that I've suffered a "mild" heart attack?"

This man is fortunate to be alive. He suffered a "silent" heart attack - one of the most deadly types of heart attack you can suffer. Twice as many people die from them as do those who experience chest pain during a heart attack. Silent heart attacks are caused when your arteries narrow and you don't get enough oxygen to your heart. The chronic lack of oxygen usually just produces angina. But in 25-30% of cases, it can produce a heart attack that doesn't have any symptoms.

The absence of pain doesn't mean there's an absence of damage. And, because they go untreated, silent heart attacks can be deadly. They also increase your odds of having a subsequent heart attack, which would be more likely to kill you.

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While most physicians believe the heart is permanently damaged during a silent heart attack, there is hope. I reported several years ago that you can actually rebuild your heart muscle after a heart attack. And doing so will help you avoid another attack.

If you've suffered a heart attack, you have to flood your heart with the right nutrients. The most crucial nutrient you need is oxygen. Providing your heart with oxygen will allow your heart muscle to regenerate.

The best way to get more oxygen to your heart is through oxidative medical treatments. These include hyperbaric oxygen and exercise with oxygen therapy. I also recommend you get chelation therapy, nutritional therapy, and lifestyle changes (including a good diet and exercise). You can find out more about these treatment on my website or you can talk to an integrative physician.

The good news is you don't have to suffer another heart attack.

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