This past May, more than 300 doctors met in Las Vegas at the 6th annual congress of The American Academy of Ozonotherapy (AAO). The meeting had 26 different presentations on the many ways that ozone therapy can help people get well again, especially when they can't find the relief they need from purely conventional medicine. The AAO was formed seven years ago in response to the incredible amount of medical and scientific literature validating the many ways that ozone therapy can be used to heal all kinds of disorders and diseases that are often resistant to a purely conventional approach.
As of this date, there are over 2,600 published articles in the peer reviewed literature on the use of ozone therapy, and the number grows every month. These articles touch upon virtually every specialty there is. You can access and search these articles on the "Library" page at the AAO web site, It is my opinion that no matter what their specialty is, doctors are practicing medicine with one hand tied behind their back if they don't know about ozone therapy. Over the next several editions of my newsletter Second Opinion and in these alerts, I'm going to report on some of the more amazing presentations we had at this last AAO meeting.
The first one I want to report on is Dr. Vincenzo Simonetti. Dr. Simonetti has published several papers on his remarkable discovery of an integrative approach to Multiple Sclerosis (MS). His approach is completely natural, although it also can be applied to patients who are currently on medications.
About four years ago, Dr. Simonetti reported on a series of 50 patients that he had been treating with relapsing MS over a period of 10 years. In that time, the progression of the disease stopped in every single one. Not only that, but in more than 90% of them, the disease went into a complete and permanent remission! These results are so unbelievably good that I went to Dr. Simonetti's clinic in Turin, Italy just to see for myself what was going on. Here's what I discovered.
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During my time there, I was able to talk with several patients whom Dr. Simonetti had been treating for more than a decade, as well as several who were relatively new to his therapies. All of them reported an almost immediate improvement in their condition. And the ones who had been seeing him for more than three months told me that they were feeling completely normal. And that's not all.
Dr. Simonetti works closely with a conventional neurologist. I had a chance to talk with him. He uses only conventional therapies. He told me that when his patients with MS either don't want conventional therapy or can't afford it, he refers them to Dr. Simonetti. And he told me that, for the most part, Dr. Simonetti's results are better than he gets with one notable difference: Dr. Simonetti's patients never complain of any side effects. So, armed with this information, here's what I did.
As soon as I got back in the U.S., I started using Dr. Simonetti's protocol on three patients of mine who had MS. Within four months, all three were completely without any symptoms. It is now more than a year since I treated them, and they still remain in good health. So, this past May I invited Dr. Simonetti to spend four hours detailing his protocol to close to 300 doctors at the AAO congress.
The doctor's protocol is primarily based around a special form of ozone therapy that he does twice a week until the symptoms disappear. This usually takes about 6-12 weeks. In addition, he also uses a particular protocol of diet, nutrients, and heavy metal detoxification. Once the symptoms are gone he gradually reduces the treatments until the patient gets to the point that they are no longer needed. The treatments are natural, easy to do, completely without side effects, and inexpensive.
Dear readers, there are 400,000 men and women in the U.S. suffering from MS. And worldwide there are over 2.5 million. When I think of all of these good people that could be dramatically helped, but who don't have access to this treatment protocol, it breaks my heart. But now, at least there are 300 practitioners in the U.S. who know the protocol, and can administer it in their clinics. To find one of these doctors, go to the AAO website practitioner referral page. Then, call the doctor's office just to make sure that they attended the last meeting and know of the Simonetti protocol for MS. And be sure to write me and tell me how you responded to the treatment.
Yours for better health,
Frank Shallenberger, MD