It's such a shame that so many patients being treated with chemotherapy for cancer are denied ozone therapy. It's only out of ignorance. Ozone therapy not only increases the efficacy of both chemotherapy and radiation therapy, it also significantly decreases the side effects. One of the common side effects of chemotherapy is stomatitis. Stomatitis is the ten-dollar word for painful mouth sores. Ozone therapy virtually eliminates this, and several studies verify this.
For over 35 years now, I've been giving regular ozone therapy to my patients while they get chemotherapy. I use the technique called major-autohemotherapy (MAH), in which blood is removed into a bag or bottle, treated with ozone, and then immediately reinfused. This technique was developed way back in 1961 by Dr. Hans Wolf. And it's still the state of the art technique used to this day. At the end of their treatments, their oncologists inevitably tells them that they responded better and had fewer side effects than their other patients who go ozone free. One particular side effect that I have never seen in these patients is stomatitis. But why is that? Why does it work so well? One of the reasons may be due to the antiviral effect of ozone therapy.
One particular study looked at 114 men and women who had been infected with herpes simplex virus (HSV1) and who were getting chemotherapy. The first thing the researchers discovered was that chemotherapy brought out the virus. Patients who had the virus and were also getting chemotherapy had seven times the amount of virus in their throats than those who were infected with the virus, but who were not getting chemotherapy. That's not all they found.
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The researchers also cultured the patients for the virus two to three times per week over a three to four week period. According to the authors, "chemotherapy patients had a strikingly higher incidence of multiple positive cultures" amounting to a greater than 700% increase. Then they looked specifically at those patients who developed stomatitis from their chemotherapy treatments.
They found that, "Among chemotherapy patients who developed clinically evident stomatitis, 85.7% had HSV1 recovered compared to 28.6% without lesions." They concluded that while not all chemotherapy patients developed stomatitis because of herpes virus, the majority of them did. And that's why ozone therapy is so good at preventing stomatitis. It's because ozone therapy is so good at treating herpes infections. Dr. Heinz Konrad reported on the effectiveness of MAH for herpes infections more than 30 years ago, and I've never seen it fail.
In addition, in 1950 Dr. Goldstein reported in the New York State Journal of Medicine on the effectiveness of topical ozonated olive oil on herpes induced stomatitis. This is another way to deliver the effects of ozone therapy without the need for the MAH technique. Another study on the use of ozone oil in people who get stomatitis from dentures showed that 91% responded well to topical ozonated oil. I describe how to use ozonated oils in my new book on the home use of ozone therapy, The Ozone Miracle. You can get the book on Amazon. It's great for those aggravating cold sores that so many people get.
And if you or a loved one is planning on getting chemotherapy, remember how helpful ozone therapy can be. You can find doctors trained in MAH and other forms of ozone therapy at The American Academy of Ozonotherapy website:
Yours for better health,
Frank Shallenberger, MD
Rand KH, Kramer B, Johnson AC. Cancer chemotherapy associated symptomatic stomatitis: role of Herpes simplex virus (HSV). Cancer. 1982 Oct 1;50(7):1262-5.
Goldstein LS. The treatment of acute herpetic gingivostomatitis with ozonide of olive oil. N Y State J Med. 1950 May 15;50(10):1252.
López EG, Martínez AL, et al. Ozone therapy in the treatment of stomatitis subprostheses. Rev Cubana Estomatol 2003; 40 (2).