Did you know that surgery could cause serious problems with your brain? It’s not just the surgery that causes the problem. Sometimes the medications they use will cause problems as well.
Take for instance a heart-valve replacement, which carries a risk of blood clots. Doctors typically give their patients anticoagulants to prevent this. But new research is indicating that many patients may be suffering from microbleeds in the brain after surgery. And this could be contributing to the rising levels of cognitive decline in older adults.
To help determine the prevalence of this issue, researchers in France conducted MRIs and questionnaire-based neurological tests with patients undergoing a valve-replacement surgery. They found that 26% of the participants already had at least one microbleed before the surgery. Three days after surgery, a total of 40% had microbleeds, with 23% having new bleeds.
They also found that the microbleeds were associated with lower scores on the neurocognitive assessments, particularly in the areas of thinking and memory. Patients were more likely to develop microbleeds if they’d had a prior cardiovascular procedure, if they were exposed to fluoroscopy longer during their surgery, or if balloon post-dilation was required with the surgery to reduce blood leakage.
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In light of these findings, the researchers said we need more studies to help determine a more appropriate use of anticoagulation to help minimize these microbleeds. They need to find the thin line between the risk of clots and the risk of bleeding.
Determining this is going to take some time, so it’s vitally important that you take matters into your own hands to protect your brain in case you ever need surgery. I think one of the best ways to do this is through ozone preconditioning therapy. I’ve written about this therapy before. And more and more studies are pointing to its efficacy in protecting the body during surgery. If you know you’re going to need a major surgery, I strongly recommend that you visit the American Academy of Ozonotherapy at www.aaot.us to find a doctor trained in this therapy. You’ll need sessions twice a week for three weeks before the surgery.
It’s important to keep in mind that we don’t always have the option of waiting three weeks before a surgery, particularly major cardiovascular surgery. So it’s important to be prepared. The good news is that you can get your own ozone machine and precondition yourself at home on a regular basis. This is what I do. It gives me a lot of peace of mind to know that I’m ready should I ever need an unexpected surgery. If you're interested, I like the one by Longevity Resources. You can find out more information and order your own infection-fighting supplies by calling 877-543-3398 if you live in the USA or Canada (or 001 250 654 0092 if elsewhere).
Finally, if you want to help protect your brain from cognitive decline even if you never have surgery side effects to worry about, I recommend Complete Daily Oils. Your brain needs omega-3 fatty acids to function properly, and this supplement provides them in the form of both EPA and DHA. It also includes CoQ10, mixed tocopherols, and alpha-lipoic acid to further protect your brain as you age.
Yours for better health,
Frank Shallenberger, MD