Impact of Dietary Polyphenols on Carbohydrate Metabolism

Volume 14    |   Issue 29

When it comes to reducing your risk of diabetes, one of the best things you can do is to keep your blood sugar under control. However, eating a meal rich in carbohydrates can cause your blood sugar and insulin levels to spike. And I know many of us occasionally like to eat carb-heavy foods, such as toast or pancakes for breakfast. Fortunately, new research has identified a way to help reduce these spikes – and it could be something you're doing already.

For this study, the researchers evaluated the effects of combining a carbohydrate-rich meal with a source of polyphenols. They reviewed a number of studies in which participants consumed carbs in the form of bread, pancakes, or simple sugars and polyphenols from coffee, black tea, fruit juice, plant extracts, berries, and rye breads. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't have minded participating in some of those studies! Altogether, they reviewed 13 different articles describing randomized controlled trials that examined the effects of combining carbohydrates and polyphenols.

The strength of the effect varied depending on the carbohydrate and polyphenol source. But overall the consensus was that the combination did reduce spikes in blood sugar and insulin response both right after the meal and throughout the digestion process. This helps explain why polyphenols have been shown to help reduce the risk of type-2 diabetes.

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On Wednesday, I told you about how coffee, particularly a lighter roast, is a great source of polyphenols. So if you're having a pancake breakfast every once in a while, the natural pairing of coffee can help protect your blood sugar levels. Just make sure you don't load it up with additional sweeteners — you may end up doing more harm than good that way. You can also try drinking black tea or topping your pancakes or waffles with fruit to get a similar polyphenol boost.

If none of those options appeal to you, or you just want a simple way to protect your blood sugar whenever you eat a carbohydrate-heavy meal, give Advanced Resveratrol Formula a try. After all, most of us eat carbs at meals other than breakfast, but we're less likely to grab coffee or tea to go with them later in the day.

Yours for better health,




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