I'm always pleased to be able to report breakthroughs in research. I especially like it when they affect serious health conditions that many of us fear. And I like it even better when they involve natural solutions. So I'm particularly happy to be able to tell you about new research into the treatment of Parkinson's disease.
I've written a lot about Parkinson's disease. There are many good options out there for treating Parkinson's that are natural, effective, and completely free of side effects. I tell all my Parkinson's patients that we have two jobs with this disease. One job is to come up with aremedies that decrease and, in many cases, even eliminate the symptoms. But that's not all we have to do. The second task is to stop the progression of the disease. And this part of the therapy is just as important as the first part. That's because Parkinson's is a progressive disease. It never stands still. It always gets worse. So anything that we can do to slow down or even stop the progression is critical. And that's why this new study is so encouraging.
About five years ago, I learned from my colleague Dr. Marty Hinz that Parkinson's progression could be halted with an amino acid called cysteine. He taught me that if I give my patients in the order of 2,000-3,000 mg of this amino acid, it would be enough to stop the progression. And my experience since then is that Dr. Hinz was absolutely right. While I can't always take away all of the symptoms of Parkinson's, I can virtually always completely stop the progression with this amino acid. And now a new study is proving what we already know.
Researchers at Thomas Jefferson University have found that N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC), a form of cysteine, does even more than stopping the progression of Parkinson's.
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The researchers recently published their results in the journal PLOS ONE. For the study, they divided Parkinson's patients into two groups. They gave one group NAC intravenously (50 mg/kg) once a week and orally (600 mg) twice a week on non-IV days. The other group did not receive any NAC. All of the patients continued with a standard Parkinson's treatment program.
The researchers evaluated the patients at the beginning of the study and again after three months by administering the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS) and conducting brain scans to measure dopamine transporter levels. Dopamine is a substance that's lacking in the brains of people with Parkinson's. And here's the wonderful news.
The patients in the NAC group not only did not progress in their disease, but actually showed modest, but measurable improvements. Specifically, they had a 4-9% increase in dopamine transporter binding and a 13% increase on the UPDRS compared to the control group. These improvements are the first of their kind in any study ever published on Parkinson's patients!
If you or a loved one has Parkinson's, you don't need to wait to be a part of a clinical trial to give NAC a try. You can get it at your local health store. And if you're already taking Super Immune QuickStart, you're getting 50 mg in every scoop. You can also get the pure cysteine that I use online or at the local health store. And remember, these amino acids can be safely used along with any other natural or pharmaceutical treatment for Parkinson's.
Yours for better health,
Frank Shallenberger, MD