Several months ago, I told you about three herbs that can control type-2 diabetes -- aloe vera, cinnamon, and Gymnema sylvestre. All are great for treating diabetes. And now there's exciting news about one of them.


A German study evaluated 79 subjects with type-2 diabetes. All of them managed their condition with either diet or oral drugs. The researchers randomly divided the volunteers into two groups. One took 112 mg of a cinnamon extract (three times daily) or a placebo.

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The extract was equivalent to about three grams of cinnamon powder per day.


The results showed that cinnamon reduced fasting blood glucose by 10.3%. Best of all, those with the highest glucose levels at the start of the study saw the greatest benefit.


Action to take: Cinnamon is cheap, plentiful, and very tasty. So feel free to eat all you want. However, the researchers recommend a cinnamon extract over the powder. It's difficult to eat enough powdered cinnamon to make a substantial difference in your blood sugar problems. Unfortunately, some extracts contain oils that many people are allergic to. So try aqueous (water) extracts instead. They don't contain oil, are completely safe, and should give you the results you want.



Ref: Eur J Clin Invest, 2006; 36(5): 340-4.

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