Anything you can do to avoid antibiotics is a good thing. This is especially true when it comes to using antibiotics for sinus infections. One reason is that the older, safer antibiotics are quickly becoming ineffective. And that means that doctors are often prescribing the newer more toxic antibiotics. These drugs are not your grandmother's antibiotics. They can cause seizures, neuropathy, damaged connective tissue, damaged heart tissue, and cardiac arrhythmias.
The other reason is because antibiotic therapy for sinus infections causes chronic fungal infections of the sinuses. A recent study from the Mayo Clinic showed that over 97% of all chronic sinus conditions are due to fungi. And the most common reason for these fungal infections is antibiotics. And that's why this new study is so important. It shows how a natural, completely harmless, and inexpensive home therapy is almost as effective for sinus infections as antibiotics.
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Insulin’s Evil Twin
This overlooked hormone might be the real reason you still struggle with out-of-control blood sugar. But most doctors (even alternative doctors) ignore it completely.
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Researchers looked at 62 children with acute sinus infections. They gave half of them an antibiotic (amoxacillin) in combination with normal saline irrigations (NSI). NSI consists simply of irrigating the nasal passages with salt water. The other half got a placebo and the NSI. What happened? The antibiotic plus NSI group did a little better than the NSI-only group — 83% were cured. But the NSI-only group did almost as well — 71% cured. And, of course, the antibiotic group reported side effects that the NSI-only group did not see. Additionally, the NSI group had no risk of causing a complicating fungal infection. Here's what the researchers had to say about the results. "NSI can be used alone with the same clinical, bacteriological, and cytological cellular changes, efficacy, and with higher safety profile than amoxicillin."
This study was done in children, but I can tell you that I see the same results in adults as well. NSI systems are inexpensive and can be purchased at any drug store. And if they can be used in kids, you can easily use them in anybody. But what about the 17+ cases that did not respond to either the antibiotics or the NSI? The answer is ozone therapy.
I think that every household should have their own ozone therapy system. It costs a few bucks, but in the long run, it will pay you back with dividends. Look in the October and November issues for everything you need to know about home ozone systems and also for the instructions on how to treat sinus infections with ozone. Or you can just call Longevity Resources at 877-543-3398 (or 001-250-654-0092 outside the U.S. and Canada). You have to call this number (not the number on their website) to get the discount I've arranged for you. Make sure you tell them you're a
Second Opinion subscriber. Your cost for the entire kit is $2,350.00 (+ $150.00 S&H). That's a substantial discount off the retail price.
Yours for better health,
Frank Shallenberger, MD
Ragab A, Farahat T, et al. Nasal saline irrigation with or without systemic antibiotics in treatment of children with acute rhinosinusitis. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2015 Oct 22.